Chapter Twenty-Three: Danger

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Here I am, sitting in the middle of the floor in my bedroom updating my fanfiction story, as one does. But I'm updating; that's all that matters. It snowed where I live. Most of it is melted already but I'm still not ready for winter. School is going okay. Algebra 2 is still a pain but I'm dealing with it. Stay in school, kids!

Fair warning, there is a tiny bit of suggestive themes towards the end of the chapter, so be warned! It's kind of subtle and really short, but if you don't like kissing, then don't read the second half of this chapter. It's really not a big deal but I'm just being careful so someone doesn't leave me an anger review or message or whatever. But we're all mature here, right? ;)

Chapter Twenty-Three: Danger

"No!" Sigyn cried once she woke up from the energy blast. Right when she reunited with Loki, he had been taken from her again. Her heart pounded in rhythm with the dull pulsing in her head. The headache made it hard to stand so Sigyn leaned heavily against the wall and tried not to throw up or burst into tears. She needed to be strong for the others but it drained the remainder of her energy doing so.

A hand rested gently on her shoulder, startling her. She looked up into Bucky's face. For an ex-assassin, he seemed rather nice - caring, almost.

"Loki will be fine," Bucky said in an attempt to either calm her down or himself, Sigyn didn't know, but Bucky didn't try to hide his worry. Loki didn't make friends that easily, so the concern on the human's face threw Sigyn a bit off. What had they been through when she and the kids were locked up and experimented here? His metal fingers kept tapping against his thigh in a nervous tick.

"Amora couldn't have gone far," Bucky continued.

"How do you know? This base is larger than it looks." Sigyn couldn't keep the snark out of her voice. She had a reputation of being soft-spoken and one who never cursed or got upset, but she just wanted to go home as a whole family in peace.

However, Bucky didn't react to her sharp tone. "I have been here before. It's a bit foggy but I should be able to navigate us through the base better than what our enemies think."

"What about Pietro?" Hela's voice added. She still held Pietro up but the exhaustion was clear on her face. Her eyeliner streaked down her cheeks, making her appearance eerie like she had signed up to work at a haunted house.

Sigyn met Bucky's eye. Loki wanted Pietro to go wait in the car since he could barely stand on his own because of how much blood he lost.

"The best option is..." Sigyn's voice trailed off. She had no idea what to do next. Have Hela drop Pietro off and risk having them attacked? Look for Thor all together but have two liabilities who wouldn't be able to fight? Try to find Loki and possibly lead all of them to their deaths? She didn't know for sure what Amora wanted with Loki but she had a dark feeling that they didn't have much time to find him.

They were limited in options, and none of them were good.

Bucky gave her a pitying look. She must have been a mess. Strands of hair strayed from her braid, her armour had been scratched and torn in several places, and she didn't even need to look in a mirror to know that her face and eyes were sweaty, red, and bruised. She hurt all over but most of the pain settled in her heart, where it longed to curl up into Loki's gentle arms and sleep for a week.

"At least we don't have to worry about Gorr," Bucky offered, trying to be the light in the pitch-black night.


One less thing to worry about in their giant jumble of a trainwreck.

The joy of Gorr being gone lifted some weight off her chest but she still felt like she was being crushed by a bilgesnipe.

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