Chapter Twenty-Five: Enchanted

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I'm so sorry that it took me forever to update. Capstones/semester test gave me a lot of stress and took up a lot of my time. I didn't have any motivation to write, but here I am. I wanted this chapter to be longer so, obviously, it took longer to write. Anyways, Happy Holidays! And enjoy! :)

Chapter Twenty-Five: Enchanted

The storm of magic shook the building as the energy increased and swirled around the ceiling. Amora had her head tilted back and her arms spread wide, reaching up and letting the magic flow from her fingertips. She had never felt this powerful before and the rush of it all was overwhelming. Jealousy tingled in the back of her mind - oh, how unfair it was that Loki was born with this much power while she had to learn a lesser form of magic. The second prince always got attention from Thor while she had to come up with ways to get the golden prince to notice her. Loki got Thor's love while she sat in the corner, unnoticed.

Yes, Loki had been bullied and made fun of for using magic - that at least gave her some joy, knowing that the citizens of Asgard didn't necessarily like Loki, but Thor always came rushing to his aid whenever he was beaten so badly by their peers.

She could prove them all wrong; bringing Thanos back gave her a chance to do so. She could be queen! And all the people would love her!

She first heard about Thanos and his followers when she took a trip to a planet not too far from Asgard. She had originally planned it to be a spa day but a league of Chitauri attacked and killed half the population. She only escaped after she bargained with their leader, who called himself The Other. He offered her a chance to join Thanos's "revolution," as he called it - an opportunity for balance and peace among the universe.

Amora couldn't turn down such a wonderful bargain and agreed to work for him. In return, they offered her the throne of Asgard. She could be queen and then figure out a way for Thor to fall in love with her.

Most of her work consisted of traveling around the galaxy to turn powerful adversaries onto their side and taking out those who refused to join. She had never met Thanos personally but she knew that he would be grateful for bringing him back to life.

She also had Loki, someone whom she knew that Thanos would like having back. She knew about Loki's time in the hands of Thanos and knew that Loki was Thanos's favorite "plaything." Being the ruler of the universe has its perks but everyone needed some sort of entertainment. Loki wouldn't like it but who really cares about what he thinks. Loki was a good bargaining chip, a valuable token that could grant her wish of being with Thor and ruling Asgard.

Being with Thor was a dream that Amora had ever since she was a little girl, and now she could practically feel it coming true.

The thought of having her dreams within her reach refueled her. Amora closed her eyes and delved deep inside, searching for every last drop of magic. A tight grip wrapped around her heart after she did so, squeezing painfully.

A warning said by Loki earlier flashed in the corner of her mind. She knew that using another person's sedir could be lethal but she was close, so close!

Ignoring the pain, Amora let loose a final wave of energy. Laughing with giddiness, Amora opened her eyes and let her arms drop down to her side. White spots danced in her field of vision but she blinked them away. She felt lightheaded but yet extremely excited.

A glowing form stood on the platform opposite of her, pulsating in time of her heart. The green glow started fading, forming into a different color, certain colors, of someone everyone knew. Slowly, features on the figure came into focus, and then the figure tilted his head and smiled at her.

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