Car Sex Is Cool Ig

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DorcasBurr, c'est pour toi, mon petit chou.

Happy New Year, y'all. Let's make 2020 gayer than before.

I mean that two ways.


I confess, this isn't my best. And it's kinda short, in terms of smut.


Thomas had never liked roadtrips. Especially long distances. He had a few reasons for this, including restlessness, motion sickness, headaches and the constant need to pee, even if he didn't drink anything. Luckily, however, after so many years of the same thing, he'd learnt how to deal with it and had gotten better. There were times where he wouldn't even suffer one inch. He thought it was completely gone, until one day when he discovered something new. The first time it happened, he figured it was just his body being a normal male body, but after it happened a few more times, he realised it would probably be ongoing.

He knew that was going to be a problem, especially when he drove around with people like his boyfriend, James Madison, a tease beyond teasers.

The two were travelling from New York through Pennsylvania to meet up with their friends for New Year's, and the lot of them had planned to meet halfway. Angelica's idea. It had been all fun and games for most of the way now, the pair chatting and joking away, just having a good time to distract themselves from the long journey, swapping seats frequently to give one another a break. At this particular moment, James was the driver, Thomas, the passanger. James was elaborating him on a story about he, Alex and Aaron a few days back, how they got themselves into some trouble. Honestly, it was a funny story. Thomas had been laughing and smiling previously, until they got onto a very bumpy road, Thomas, now, pretty nervous because bumpy roads were an issue for him.

Although fine for the time being, he knew he'd soon be in a sticky sit. James being, well, James could sense Thomas' slight uneasiness. He paused, mid sentence, and looked across at his boyfriend, who was clearly not okay, especially with the fact that he was tapping his foot. He only ever did that when he wasn't. He still asked if he was.

"Yo, you good?" He asked, rhetorically. Thomas just nodded and continued to look forward. "Sure?" James asked, looking ahead again. Thomas agreed again, James shrugging, "A'ight, so, where was I. Right, so then we . . . " he carried on his story. Thomas just heard his voice but didn't listen because his mind was far too occupied with what he was worried about, which only got worse the more he thought about it. He crossed one leg over the other to help himself out a bit, and he was fine until James drove carelessly over a hump, the car landing back down onto the road with an obnoxiously loud rattle.

"Shit, sorry," he apologised, looking across at Thomas who looked pretty uncomfortable by this time, "yo, you sure you good?" He wondered, before he finally saw what the problem was. Thomas had his legs crossed really tight and his posture was slightly hunched over. James just looked forward again and smirked to himself.

"You look quite stiff, babe. Just relax," he teased, Thomas only hunching over more and trying to keep calm.
"I'm fine," he lied, glancing out his window. James obviously knew that wasn't true and only continued, being, well, James.

"Need me to slow down?" He asked, Thomas shaking his head and beginning to tap his foot again. James chuckled.

"Okay, must I go faster?"

❝Thomas, we are engaged.❞ | JeffMads OneShots By Mehh (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now