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You've heard the word before. I know you have. I'm also sure the first things that come to mind are either Halloween or Hollywood related. In more recent years, you probably recall Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart gracing the screen as Edward and Bella. Which was honestly one of the most horribly written portrayals ever to grace the big screen due to how inaccurate Stephanie Meyer's version of every Inhuman she used really is.  Alongside it have been others, like Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, What They Do In The Shadows, and Vampire Academy. All entertaining iterations, but none of them are close enough to the real stories to do them any kind of justice.

The true story of vampires starts before time was even a well tracked idea, and surprisingly, biblical stories are the closest account of where it all began, but even that book is nowhere near accurate. Then again, I wouldn't expect much from a book written and rewritten a thousand times by vain humans. Especially one that they insist you should live by that contradicts itself so thoroughly.

Back when humans were first created, there were the Main Three. Fate, the Main God, Azaran, The King of Hell, and Helaza, the Grim Reaper. Three ethereal siblings who each rule over their own domain. Fate in Heaven, Azaran in Hell, and Helaza over Earth. Luci, a jaded angel who didn't WANT to love humans more than Fate herself, staged a rebellion. This rebellion became a war, and for his insolence, Luci and a few other angels were banished to Hell for punishment by Azaran.

After their arrival, Luci caused more trouble. He staged a coup, fought another battle, and had Azaran banished from Hell. With nowhere else to go, he went stealth and started a life on Earth alongside Helaza. But that kind of power on a developing human race caused some anomalies and changes, one of which would develop into Vampires.

Originally, there was a single type, now known as the Blue Bloods. They are the closest to vampires from every story; long fangs, can't be in the sun for long, eyes change with emotion. Most have a blue shade of eyes, and they turn silver with a rush of emotion. Undying and strong, drinking only Human blood, they were a force to be reckoned with, and they had humans cowering in fear.

Years later, a revolutionary small group of vampires chose to break free from this long line of human draining vampires and they started feeding from animals. This changed them pretty drastically, creating a second breed of vampire known as the Dishonored. This new breed could walk about in the sun, their brown eyes turned gold with emotion, and they had a dual set of fangs; their canines and premolars.

For years and years these two factions HATED each other, until Azaran sought out a vampire to end the fighting and the hatred between them. This Blue Blood named Maxus was chosen, and he started on a few centuries long quest to bring them all together. It took love, compassion, and several vampires from both sides coming together to change things, and even in current times there are covens out West that stay separated. But out on the East Coast, both Blue Blood and Dishonored have melded covens and thrived by helping one another with Maxus as their leader.

Now, I bet you're wondering WHY I'm bringing all of this up? Why am I telling you all of this? What's my point here? Who the hell am I?

My name is Dante, and I was raised by two Dishonored vampires and grew up with three more. The majority of the people around me, my uncles, my aunt, my cousin, her fiance, all different types of vampires or getting prepared to become one. I'm here to tell you about how my family, or coven as so many Inhumans would call us, came to be. I'm also going to tell you how I died.

Let me start at the beginning, when my Dad and my Uncle met...

[Rewritten] The Family Secret - Voices of Beasts (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now