Chapter 3

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After finding out and Uncle Maxus talking to the Big Boss, I got hired working for a small office under Ivan and Quinn. I was their receptionist while they helped people with lawyer like questions and ran their blood business underneath.

The family was the biggest pay-to-donate based blood bank for Vampires across all 50 states, so I couldn't be too mad about having to turn away people when they were taking care of business in the back. Apparently not every coven leader liked to pay for their supplies.

Vampires being ripped to shreds behind you sounds a hell of a lot different in real life compared to in the movies. Lot more gooey.

It had been a few years, I had just finished healing from my top surgery, and I could easily pass for a cis male both on the phone and in person. My beard had come in the same strawberry blond that my hair was, and I kept it tight and professional since Quinn had taught me how to go through the whole blood draw process for slow days when I could easily run things on my own. Maxus was proud of me and my progress in every aspect and on my 25th birthday, I got an extra card at my party.

The envelope was black with red accents, and the printing of my name, Dante Giordano, was in beautiful and perfect gold script.

Dad and Maxus looked at me with all the excitement in the world as I carefully opened the perfect envelope and pulled out the equally perfect card.

The front was simple and elegant, a deep red with purple trim and black lettering that said Happy 25th Birthday. I opened it up and as I read, I couldn't help but gasp.


My name is Azaran, I am the leader of the Vampires. I would like to extend you the happiest congratulations on your transition both into a wonderful young man and into the best donation employee I have ever had in my many years since starting this program with your father and uncles. For all of your hard work and wonderful services, I'd like to invite you to join us in the last way you possibly can and join us in becoming not only an official owner of the bank you work for, but becoming one of us.

Come join as a vampire, take life by the horns, and stay one of the best and most lavishly paid vampires in the Western Hemisphere.

We look forward to hearing from you with your decision by the end of the month.

Happy Birthday from all of us,

Azaran, Fate, and Helaza

Rulers of Heaven, Earth, and formally Hell.

My jaw was on the floor and I felt tears start to well up in my eyes. Maxus took and handed the letter to Mom and Dad as I broke down sobbing. They wanted me! The leader of the Vampires wanted ME to become one of them and wanted me to join my family as an owner of the family business!

Elise and Dianne swarmed to me the moment I started sobbing and as my parents both reached the end of the letter, they started jumping up and down hugging one another. When Grandma and my two younger brothers finally got our attention, Dad handed the letter to Grandma and she started reading it out loud.

"Dante, that's great! I'm so proud of you! Such a high honor to get a birthday card and such an invitation!" She hugged me tightly along with my brothers, and Maxus shook my hand.

"You've really done well for yourself, my boy! Now, you and Elise can go and meet Azaran and prepare together for your transformations!" He chuckled happily. As soon as her name was said she walked in the door with Jensen, a huge box in her arms. It had a giant red bow on top and she was grinning from ear to ear. She set it down in the center of the table and looked at me expectantly.

"That's a huge ass box." I chuckled

"Yes, a huge ass box for you. Open it!" She exclaimed, bouncing up and down. Jensen gently set his hands on her shoulders to calm her down. I nodded and handed her the card.

"I'll open it while you read this." I replied, chuckling. As she and Jensen did,I opened the box and pulled out a large black hoodie and a smaller box. I opened it up to find two bracelets, both macrame and identical. One said best and was pink and neon green, the other was black and red and said buds. One for her, one for me. She finished reading the card and immediately they both swarmed me and tackle hugged me from my chair.

"WE GET TO MEET AZARAN AND BE CHANGED TOGETHER!!" she cried excitedly. I smiled and nodded, handing her her bracelet. Jensen helped us both tie them on and helped us both up.

The rest of the party went without a hitch, we were all drinking and having a good time, and when it started to get dark, Grandma took the kids to her house. Quinn and Mom went inside not too long after, leaving me, Elise, Jensen, Dad, Maxus, and Ivan out back around the fire. Even though it was late October,  as long as you were close to the fire a coat wasn't needed but I still wore my brand new hoodie. After putting it on I'd realized it had to be something she'd gotten from Comicon, since it was a well done custom made Bioshock hoodie. I loved it, it was soft and super cozy. I was at the tail end of my last drink when Jensen stood and volunteered to go grab more. My parents didn't live far from downtown, so he was going to walk.

"I'll go with you, I wanna walk around a little bit, stretch my legs." I said, standing and stretching my arms. He nodded and we took off, the fire's warmth fading fast as we reached the end of the drive and started walking down the road...

[Rewritten] The Family Secret - Voices of Beasts (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now