Chapter 15

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I sat and stared at my phone for much longer than I expected, in absolute shock. What just happened? I couldn't trust anyone now, and my only remaining back up just took off on me with only one possibly returning to help? I looked at the time and felt the pit of anxiety knot my stomach. It was 12:45, I had a little over two hours to find my soul mate and get her the fuck out of here before some psycho had my head on a platter, possibly literally. I stood and started to quickly make my way out of the maze, getting about halfway there before I heard voices. I ducked into the hedges and saw that it was two people, a man with a cane and his eyes covered by his mask and a woman wearing a pure black winged looking mask. As they passed by, I could see that his eyes were completely covered by his also pure black mask, and her eyes matched.

They were the two Dunkleheit that had been invited, and when I saw her eyes glint in the light, I realized they weren't possessed. I made a note of it and took off back into the maze, breaking free not a moment too soon. I pulled out my phone and noticed it was 1 am and a clock rang out somewhere near me. A bell rang once and I slipped back inside discreetly, watching people switching places to start dancing. I noticed the bright coloring of Fate's dress and saw her and Az preparing to dance together, along with Maxus and Hel beside them. As the music started, and I started watching people's eyes, I realized just how alone and screwed I was.

Everyone that was dancing's eyes were all gleaming pink in the light of the chandeliers.

As the dancing went on, several more people were brought in from the crowd around them and I watched as more pink reflective eyes kept glancing over at me as they passed. As more people joined, the circle grew smaller in number and the dancers were growing closer. Soon enough there was only a two person buffer between me and the dance. When I was contemplating jumping into the waltz to see if I could find someone unaffected to help me, I felt a tap on my shoulder. The person made me tense, and I spun around way too quickly to be any kind of discrete.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." A beautiful female voice that sounded all too familiar, that gave me all kinds of butterflies. I turned and looked up to see a head full of blue curly hair pinned to the top of her head, and an adorable bunny mask covering her face, but her eyes were the same bright green that I'd seen just a few weeks ago.

"It's you, I found you!" I exclaimed quietly, turning and taking her hands in mine. It was the woman who'd saved me, the very same that had been in the comic shop, and here she was at the ball, just like Elise had said. I was starstruck for just a second before I saw the people that were our buffer between us and the dancers get pulled in. It snapped me back into the reality of what was going on, and I held tightly to her hand. She leaned in and whispered into my ear.

"It's so nice to finally meet you, Dante. I'm--" Before she could finish, I saw someone grab her free hand and yanked her away from me I realized it was Maxus, and he glared at me with those pink reflective eyes. He pulled her away too quickly for me to stop him, and I almost completely lost my shit and attacked him, but I felt another hand clasp onto my shoulder and stop me.

"Don't jump right in and fight, they'll know you know what's going on. Let me help get her out of there, you go with my kinder and keep her safe." I turned slowly to catch and see who was talking to me when my eyes met his mask.

It was the male Dunkleheit, and as Hel reached out to take my hand and drag me in, he took and jumped in in my place, and the female Dunkleheit took my hand and pulled me through the crowd. We got outside without anyone noticing a difference in flow, and she led me right into the hedge maze without a word. she sat me down on the fountain I was on before, took a handful of water, said a few words I couldn't understand, and gently poured it onto my head and it dripped over and onto my eyelids. She then gently rolled up my sleeves, drew a few quick runes with her nail onto my skin, and patted my head with a smile. They were written in black and they glowed red with magic.

[Rewritten] The Family Secret - Voices of Beasts (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now