What's the Dark Web?

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  The Dark Web is the hidden part of the web, that is not indexed by the normal searching engines. You can access the Hidden Web by using some special searching engines, such as TOR (The Onion Router) or I2P (The Invisible Internet Project).

  Basically, the Dark Web is the land of criminals. Sounds weird, doesn't it? The stuff you find on there varies. If you're, lets say, only at the surface, possibly you may not see the extreme things, such as cannibalism or killing or live torture. You might find, at the so called "surface of the dark web", sites from where you can buy untraceable guns, fake IDs, sites from where you can hire hackers or hitmen (the hitmen part might be only a scam, we will talk about that later on).

  Is it ilegal to be on the dark web? Surprisingly, no. You can roam around the dark web, as long as you don't buy anything or watch anything. As I said, in the dark web take a lot of illegal stuff.

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