Red Rooms

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  A red room is a live stream of torture and murder of a person with the goal of entertaining the ones watching it.

  Lets get it right. A red room is a livestream. Or at least, that is its definition. Tor is way too slow for a livestream to function properly, because of all its layers of encryption and protection of identity. Tor's purpose is to be untraceable on the Dark Web and for that very reason, it is so slow. It also takes a bit to load videos and their quality is pretty bad.

  What Peter Scully did (the maker of Daisy's Destruction) is not a red room!! All of that was recorded and uploaded on his own dark web site.

  A red room is actually just a myth, because the sites were purposely made only to take bitcoins and to infect your laptop or pc with viruses. So take care of yourself while being on the dark web!


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