Heaven or hell?

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(A/N: hey so the first part takes Place on Earth and You're an old lady for this part just so you know)

(Your POV)

I was starring at the brown ceiling of my bedroom. It's the only thing I have been seeing for the last 2 months. All this time I have been laying here unable to move knowing my demise will come soon. At least I had enough time to reflect on my life all the 97 years I was able to spend on earth. All the happy times I spend with the people around me, well some more happy than others. All the times I performed on stage in bars or just on the street, seeing people smile and Him. He died so long ago he died for me. He took the blame for our mistakes all alone.

I hear my bedroom fire creak open and the pattern of little feet on the wissen floor following soon after. I knew exactly who it was it was my grand daughter Lilly. I feel her sitting on the bed next to me struggling a little to jump on the rather high bed with her short legs. Once she was secure I heard her sweet voice like everyday when she comes to look after me „Hey granny! Mommy said I should make sure you're ok" suddendly she goes quiet her body slumping over in a sad way.

Oh how badly I wanted to ask what was wrong, hold her in my arms and listen to her sorrows. But nevertheless I can't I'm stuck. Stuck in my own body unable to interact with the world around me. „M-mom also said I-I should say goodbye because you....y-you..." she didn't say anymore after that. The only thing escaping her being quiet sobs. I knew exactly what this meant. I was to be put out of my misery. I don't mind it actually is quite relieving knowing that I'll soon be free again but also saddening. I wouldn't be able to see my daughter or grand daughter again. I continue to stare at the ceiling slowly finding peace with what is to come.

After being alone with my little Lilly for another 2 hours my daughter Melody and another person enter the room. I immediately but 2 and 2 together guessing the unknown person is a doctor. Melody comes into my vision ceasing my view to the ceiling. Her big green eyes are full of tears starring into my own (e/c) ones. Next thing I know her feel her weight on me, she's crying into my chest as she did when she was little. I suddendly felt guilty needing to leave her.

After a deafening silence the doctor spoke up „ma'am it's time." I feel the weight on my chest being lifted and hear my daughters silky soft voice „of course I'm sorry" I see the doctor in the corner of my eye. He's holding a syringe filled with clear liquid next thing I know I feel a light sting as the needle is injected into my wrist the fluid spreading through my system at a massive speed.

Block spots start appearing in my vision blocking my view once again. „Mommy will granny go to heaven?" Lilly asked her mother. Melody answered between sobs „yes she'll be waiting for us there" Then everything is consumed by darkness.




I open my eyes the seemingly ever lasting darkness fading into an grey void. I look down at my hands noticing how they are perfectly „normal". No wrinkles not scars no nothing just flawless skin. Examining myself further I also notice my hair shifted from a grey color back to (h/c). I was young again back in a functioning body that was covered by a cute white sundress.

After I looked around for a while I notice a large black shadow. The shadow had one eye that seamed to glow illuminating the grey to a slightly lighter shade around it. I made my way over to the shadow hoping to get any answers as to where I am. Once in front of the shadow it's eye fixated on me like a spotlight. It just stares at me in silence before a booming voice like thunder cuts through the silence. „I see a lot of blood on your hands you shall not be granted entrance into the holly gates" my eyes widen as I realize that I am in purgatory a place between heaven and hell „wait! Isn't there something I can do I don't want to go to hell" I try to reason with the shadow but it just stares me down harder making me uneasy.

The booming voice came back Even louder this time „You have taken souls who should have lived. Lived and flourished into a great life! There is no undoing what you have done, you shall burn down in the fiery abyss of hell!" Next thing I know the floor under my feet cracks open and me plunging into a red abyss.

So chapter 1 is done what do you think so far?
Thanks for reading! :3

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