Love requires sacrifice

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(Flashback your POV)

Me and Alastor had just finished killing the wife of my boss. I feel two arms wrap around me and Alastors soft breath against my neck „You did great darling~" I turn around to face him. The Love of my life little blood splatters cover his face and the white sleeves of his before pure white dress shirt. That surely isn't what most people want in a lover but for me it's perfect.

We share one last kiss one last beautiful and calm moment before the storm. If only I knew it was the last time I could hold him in my arm I would've let the moment linger longer but soon enough we had to part for air. I look into his eyes just a moment longer Love, sick pleasure and insanity lingering deep inside of them.

It all turned down hill for there as sirens started blaring from the outside. We shared a surprised and even scared glance as we knew exactly what this means. We have been caught. After the realization hit us Alastor grabbed me into a choke hold grabbing the blood covered knife from the ground. „Play along alright?" That's the moment where the doors to the little warehouse where kicked in and about 10 policemen where standing there guns pointed at Alastor. That's when I knew he had no intention of surviving himself.

One of the cops started to speak „Alastor you're surrounded! There's no escape drop the knife let the girl go and slowly walk away from the body" He only chuckled. „Over my dead body" My eyes widened as an ear piercing sound reached my ears. A shot. In the corner of my eye I see blood drop down Alastor's neck where the bullet wounded him. Everything was spinning I couldn't believe it. „I Love you. Life on for me" That's the last thing I heared him say before he fell to the ground limp. His once beautiful lively eyes robbed of their light. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing I lost him. And he wouldn't come back.

(Your POV present)

„I was questioned a lot but eventually the cops let me go believing my story of being a hostage to Alastors sadistic plans." I sigh looking at Alastors pained expression. „And Even though it pained me to know he was gone I fulfilled his wish and lived another 77 years on earth." a hand attached to a familiar red suit was put on my shoulder „I'm sorry my dear but I just couldn't stand the thought of you dying because of my selfish deeds." I sigh a small smile forming on my lips „It's ok I know you only meant well atleast I have you back now" I hug Alastor gaining different reactions from the group. Charlie was fangirling Vaggie was smiling silently and Angel was acting as if he was throwing up. I believe I will fit in great here.

(??? POV)

I watch as the „almighty radio demon" reunited with his loved one. „You May have won before Alastor but I now know your weakness and there is nothing stopping me now from destroying you!"

So chapter 4 is done yay?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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