Blood red sky

375 12 10

Your POV

Falling. All i did was fall for what feels like an eternity. My sense of direction is getting lost more and more when I look at my red surroundings. It feels and looks like I'm wrapped in a see of blood and just sinking to the bottom.

Out of no where I hit something and I hit it hard. I felt like my back arch from the force. I groan sitting up rubbing my now aching head. As soon as I opened my eyes I notice that the dress I was wearing turned pitch black and got longer. It almost looked like a ball gown. I got up still a little wobbling but able to stand at least. I looked around noticing all the different people. Different sizes, forms, eyes and neon colors flashed before my eyes as many demon hurried down the street. But what catched my eye was the red tinted sky with a big pentagram printed on it.

I was snapped out of my almost hypnotic like trance by a big explosion in the sky. I turn my head searching for a source but eventually finding none. My vision once again was captured by the many different demons. Now only one thought was going through my mind. „What do I look like?" I start walking down the street on the search for a Mirror or big enough window to see myself in.

I stop infront of bar looking at myself in the large window. I gasp I look amazing. My now silky smooth (h/c) hair was down, pink color reaching up from the tips of my hair. My lashes are phenomenal and my eyes are the most beautiful (e/c) I've ever seen, they even have a slight gleam to them. My once stainless sundress was now a black sleeveless gown red vine like Designs covering the skirt part. And to top it all off. Wings. Black wings decorated my back making me look like a tainted Angel.

I stare more at my reflection amazed by the glow up I got as someone started shouting next to me „If you're not gonna buy anything get off my fucking property you're disturbing people here!" I look next to me to find the demon that was shouting staring right at me with an expecting gaze. He was tall, he has the body of a reptile with various colored markings on his skin. „Oh, sorry don't worry I'll go" I walk away still hearing him shout behind me „you better go!"

————-Time skip————

After walking for about 4 hours trying to find out what I was supposed to do a thought shot through my mind. If I'm here then He must be here too. I need to find him. And so I start to walk down the side walk trying to find someone that looks nice enough to ask for help.

I spot nice looking young lady with blond hair standing in front of a huge building the hugest building I have ever seen in fact. On the top there was a sign saying ‚HAPPY HOTEL' in large glowing letters. „Looks harmless enough" I start to make my way towards the building when a hand wraps itself around my wrist pulling me back into someone's chest.

„Hey what's the big idea?!" I shout at demon now holding me securely against them. „Relax~ I only want some of your services~" his voice was slurry sickeningly so. I try to get out of the demons grasp shouting for help. Many other demons just walk by seemingly ignoring your please for help.

You finally look up at the demon holding you. He was a wolf demon with pale grey fur his sharp teeth showing as he was laughing at me. I hate it I hate being viewed as weak so I quickly devised a plan. I swallow my pride and stop struggling still looking up at that scum of a being. „Sooo which services where you thinking of?~" I see him smirk before pulling me closer to him pressing one of his knee against my skirt. „Oh I see you finally came around well-„ before he got any closer to me I knee him in the balls watching him curl up on the floor from the pain. I take the chance and run away towards the building making a mental note that he'll is full of douche bags.

I knock on the door which was decorated with glass designs of apples. I wait for 2 minutes before the same blond lady I saw before opens the door. „Hello and welcome to the happy hotel you are going to love it here!" her voice was happy and chirpy. She smiles and takes my hand pulling me inside. „I'm Charlotte but please call me Charlie. And what's your name?" I was stunned for a second still processing what happened. After snapping out of my thoughts I shake my head putting on a bright smile „I'm (y/n) it's a pleasure to meet you" I bow slightly trying to be as polite as possible. „I'm actually searching for someone"

Charlie turned away from me grabbing some papers „Oh well maybe we can help! How about you give me a name so we can get started" while she was talking I was looking around the large room I was in. „Oh well his name is-„ I continue looking around my gaze eventually landing on a group of people and then I saw him.

He has medium red hair with black tips. He's wearing a red suit black,pants ,black dress shoes and a small red tinted monocle was sitting on his cheek bone. „Alastor." at the mention of his name he looks up our eyes looking together. Oh how I missed the sparkle in his hypnotically beautiful eyes which now shine a magnificent ruby color.



Hey so what do you guys think about chapter 2? It was actually really fun to write. :3

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