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Please read this chapter with lights on and in a proper position! :D

“Why are you so slow?! Why can’t you catch up to her and do your routines together, huh?! If only you’re just as fast as her, you wouldn’t have spoiled the performance! You only know how to make noise; you have no rhythm! You’re useless!”

I tightly bowed my head as I digest all the painful but true words Director Natur-sama was throwing at me. He surely worked hard for our first performance for the Queen, but it didn’t turn out the way he wanted because of me. I just let him growl at me; he’s telling the truth anyway, and I deserve this.

“Natur-sama, it turned out well anyway—“

“WELL?! IT TURNED OUT WELL?! NO, IT DIDN’T! And it’s because of this stupid slowpoke you have to work with! And you …”

My partner just shut up after Natur-sama cut her. I never expected her to defend me, but whatever. She couldn’t make me improve with that, anyway.

My partner and I just met yesterday. Natur-sama told us what we had to do for the performance. She knew what to do and how to do it; I knew what to do and how to do it, too. But we didn’t have time to rehearse together. At some points, I tried to blame that, but we really shouldn’t be rehearsing in the first place because it would be disturbing and we could only perform when we had to. And so we did our first performance, and it succeeded, but it didn’t turn out according to plans. And the rest has been revealed.

We just met, but it’s a surprise she was protecting me, even if that would mean Natur-sama scolding her, too. With that, I just worsened things. But what did I do? I just stayed silent on the corner, bowing my head in shame and self-hatred.

All of these sadness and anger burning in my heart seem endurable. My tears started coming out, and I wanted to stop them, but I couldn’t. Guess that’s how weak I am—even controlling tears I still fail.

At the moment, Natur-sama’s voice was starting to raise. I could hear curses from his mouth. She, however, was just keeping her cool, talking back to Director-sama with calmness and respect despite the other being fired up. It’s amazing how she could do that, as well as how she could continue to talk for me despite not knowing me really well.

The noise surrounding me got louder and louder, slowly clogging in my ears. I couldn’t believe I had caused this uproar. Natur-sama’s words … I thought I would be immune to them because they’re the truth, but they’re starting to break my barrier. Add up the fact that people were quarreling because of me. I … I …

Then, I ran, my flooding tears serving as my tail as I run and leave them behind.

I decided to fly all over the place. I flew and flew and flew, not minding my direction. I’m so sick of this! Why can’t I be as fast as her?! Why do I have to be so slow?! “AAAAAHHHHHH!!” I screamed at the summit of my lungs. I am so enraged! I tried to increase my speed, despite knowing my limits. The wind welcoming me was getting more and more painful as I sped up. But I didn’t care! I must slap unto everyone’s faces that I could be fast, and my partner and I could perform together. I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. I will be fast!

THE THUNDER WHO CAME BEFORE LIGHTNINGWhere stories live. Discover now