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Please read this chapter with lights on and in a proper position! :D


A small rowboat. A fishing rod with a bait on the hook. At the middle of a large lake. Then, the old man on the boat throws the hook of the rod into the water, sitting down as he waits for a fish to fall on the trap.


The old man has been there for hours, waiting for that enormous fish lurking beneath the clear waters of the lake. This fish is very rare, rumored to be very large, but very beautiful. Everyone is dying to see this fish, and a big amount of money is at stake for the one who can first catch it. The hearsays in the village have attracted the old man’s curiosity and fascination to fishes, and so he undergoes this unpredictable journey to catch this ever-fantasied-to-be-seen water monster.


But somehow, fate is not his friend today.


Patience, however, is his friend. As the sun slowly moves towards the West, the old man continues to wait patiently until the fish gets hooked on his bait.


Hours, hours, and more hours pass. It is starting to get dark. The old man is still sitting empty-handed (I mean, he’s holding his rod, but I hope you get what I mean), and his patience is gradually draining from him. His hope to reach his goal is also getting dim.


He finally stands up, giving up.


But then, his rowboat shakes. The ripples of water are causing the small vehicle to wobble on its place. Next, the rod gets heavy, as if something is pulling the other side. The events make the before-calm man frantic. He counters the force of the pull on the other side by pulling as well, doubling his force. The tug of war seems tough, as both sides are competitive. The old man, despite his senile age, is still strong, and his determination contributes to his stronger pull.


The tug of war does not last long, as the old man’s pull is stronger. The end of his fishing string gets towed, bringing out a large creature in the air. Then it successfully lands on the boat, shaking immensely, gasping for water.


The old man laughs in his success. The fish! The fish! He has caught it! Finally, his diligence has paid off! He beholds the fish. It is of the size of a laundry basin, with large blue eyes, black and neon blue scales and butterfly-like fins. He caresses it, smells it, and then embraces it, satisfying his fascination for the monster.


He sits properly afterwards. His eyes he still cannot take off from it. He stares at the fish, and he gets paralyzed by its beauty and size.


Unexpectedly, the fish jumps off from the boat.



Thean lands from flying on the park. He immediately bends down, hands on his knees, and heaves for air.

THE THUNDER WHO CAME BEFORE LIGHTNINGWhere stories live. Discover now