Chapter 4: Cross's Backstory

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The small pup had finally regained his bark. Cross made up his mind to tell this wolf what had happened to him. Nightmare was lazily dozing under a tree while Dust had yet to return from the quest Nightmare had told him about. Cross bounded over and tugged on Nightmare's ear. In return, he got a mouthful of icky black goop and a swat to the head.

'What do you want' Night growled sleepily. Cross circled around and, having not learned his lesson the first time, pulled his tail. Nightmare shot up and picked up the goop covered pup. Cross squealed in protest.

'I wanted to tell you what happened before you found me.' Nightmare put Cross down.

'You're going to explain why you are covered in blood and why I found you in a hollow try stump with several other lifeless looking pups?' Cross winced.

'I suppose?'

'Go on then'

'My mom took me and my two other siblings and ran away from our old pack. We hid for three months before a human came across our hiding spot. Mom ran away, I haven't seen her since. After she left, the pack we ran from scented us. They killed my siblings. Both of them. They tried to kill me too, they made a deep bite mark on my neck.' Nightmare nosed the pup's neck Cross let out the cutest growl in defense. 'Humph, anyway, as I was saying, They thought they killed me too, then they left. Chara, one of my brother's, was still clinging onto life. I watched them die. AND THERE WAS NOTHING I COULD DO' Cross let out a howl of agony, Night tried to comfort him, but the small was having none of it, he continued on. 'I-I can still see Chara, they still talk to me... But my other brother... He's gone, I'll never see him again' Cross whimpered before allowing Nightmare to snuggle him. The 'wolf' licked the remaining goop off the top of Cross's snout. The pup sneezed in response. Then two wolves came bounding through the bushes.

This is like a part two for the other chapter. I hope you all like this! 


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