Chapter 13: Human Interference

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The entire pack, minus Error, Dust, and Paperjam was sitting in silence. Horror and Lust had returned from their search with a mini-Horror in tow. Nightmare padded up to the returning pair.

'Anything you care to explain?' Horror stepped in from of his brother.

'He's my brother, he won't stay long... I can hunt for him' Horror quickly responded to the Alpha. Nightmare nodded and returned to his spot next to Cross. The sick wolf weakly looked up at his partner then allowed his head to fall into the ground. Splinter stayed glued to Horror's side as the larger dog headed towards his den. There was an eerie silence that fell over the camp. Horror, Splinter, and Lust were all in their den, no words spoken between them. Killer was alone in his den, Nightmare had gotten up again and got some fresh-kill, (I keep using Warrior Cat language, I know. I'm trying not to, I really am...) Cross remained laying on the ground. It was the first time since Dust went missing that everyone was in their den, minus Error, Dust, and PJ. 

Splinter's one floppy ear perked up, as did Lust's. The others noticed the change in their packmate and looked over to where the faint sound of pawsteps and footsteps could be heard. Nightmare, having already finished his meal, stood and growled. The leaves rustled and Paperjam emerged. The Alpha walked over to the pup and sniffed him. One sniff was all it took. Nightmare recoiled. He reeked of human stench. It wasn't long before Error also returned, his tongue out, happy pants letting the pack know he was relaxed.

'Error, where have you bee-' Dust barreled through the bush, leash dragging on the ground behind him, and tackled Nightmare. The sled dog's tail was wagging in typical dog fashion.

'I'm back!' Nightmare was in shock. The same terrible scent that was on PJ was even stronger on Dust. After that small happy reunion, a tired, ruffled looking human boy stumbled through the bush. The wolves, excluding Error, PJ, and Dust, all growled. Blue looked at the pack and took a step back. Dust went over to his human friend and brushed against his leg. 'Everyone, this is Blue. Without him, I would have died. Can we maybe keep him for a while?' Dust asked innocently. The human had no idea what the dog was asking. 

'That is a human Dust. It doesn't matter if he saved your life, he is still a human.' Nightmare growled. Dust sighed. Blue finally was aware of where he was.

"Aww! I didn't know you had other friends Fluffy!" Dust barked in response. Horror, also accustomed to humans, understood Blue's words.

'Fluffy?' Horror barked, amused at his packmate's second name. Dust glared at the mutt. Error looked from Dust to Horror. His ears went flat, not with hostility, but rather in annoyance.

'He's been calling you Fluffy? What else haven't I been understanding?' The black wolf growled at the former domestic. Dust smile and panted, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

'Like I'd ever tell you. Now, since Blue can't stay, how exactly are we going to get him back home? I'm pretty sure he'd got lost or eaten without help back...' The pack went quiet.

HAHAHAHA YES!!!! I finally updated! Dust has returned! Splinter is still in the pack! Mysteries are yet to unfold. Also, just a note. Horror and Splinter, as strays, can understand humans. So can Dust as he actually had a family for a short amount of time. Lust can't. He didn't interact nearly enough to understand their language soooo, yeah! Hope y'all like this chapter!


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