Chapter 6: Lost Pup

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Error had finally made his way back. He didn't know when, but he somehow got separated from his brothers. Fresh and Geno could fair just fine on their own, but Error was weaker than them, he wasn't determined or likable. But they were all going to meet back at their old camp. It might take them a while. They could have been chased farther, or ... Error didn't want to think about it. If there was still a chance they were alive, he had to believe they were. As he got deeper into the familiar territory, he noticed a lot of stuff had been disturbed recently. There was an awful lot a paw prints. His brothers! That was the first thing that came to Error's mind. He went bounding back but stopped just before the clearing. Something wasn't right. There were strange scents in the air, most of domestic origin. Then whining, a pup whining. Error didn't want to risk it being one of his brother's so he ran as fast as he could. Soon he was close enough to make out what the whining meant.

'I'm hungry' Still clearly a puppy, but not one in distress. Error padded out to see several dogs around the den he once called home. There was one with a ripped ear that caught sight of him

'Looks like we a trespasser' The dog growled, Error bolted for the trees. The dog was bigger, but also heavier, the pup managed to outrun the larger dog. But size wasn't everything. They were probably both around six or seven moons old, an equal match for when the bigger dog did manage to corner the smaller. Error growled trying to sound hostile, but it wasn't as scary as the other dog's loud bark. The dog pounced first. Error bolted out of the way but was still cornered. Then they heard another growl.

'Horror, stop' It was the scariest pup Error had ever seen. Black oil like goop dripped down his fur, long vine-like tendrils protruding out of his back, and only one visible eye of a glowing cyan color. The dog hesitated for a moment before slowly padding over to who could be assumed was the alpha. 'I'm sorry about my friend. I'm Nightmare' The dog? Could he be called that? Padded over to Error. 'Who are you? Why are you here'

'E-error, Error of the Queen pack, this used to be our camp' Nightmare nodded. 'Another pack attacked ours less than a moon ago, I came back looking for my brothers.'

'Well Error, since this is your camp, we will leave if you like, if not, you are welcome to stay with us to look for your brother' Nightmare bowed his head slightly then started back to camp with a disappointed Horror following. The smallest dog, the one who could reasonably be called a puppy, bounded over to greet the newcomer. 

'Hi, I'm Cross, who are you?' The puppy's tail wagged furiously


'Well Error, welcome, that big dog that chased you is Horror, he used to be a domestic dog in the city, over there is Dust, also used to be a domestic dog, but he was in someplace that wasn't very nice to dogs, he wasn't allowed outside to do anything, Nightmare the alpha, I think, he is a wolf, but was never a part of a pack, I used to be in the Jadei pack, not anymore though' Cross and Error walked into camp together as Error asked questions and Cross did his best to answer. 

'How did you find this place?' Error whined, quite shy and scared as Horror seemed to be watching his every move

'Horror found it, I don't know how we just moved here a little less than a quarter moon ago.' Error nodded.

It took much more talking before knowing his brothers haven't come back and were probably deep in the forest, so he made the decision to stick with the pack until he found them. 

Okay, I rushed the ending a little, but I had a great idea that needed to be done today, and it's also been a while since I last updated this book, so here it is, Error joins the pack!


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