How To Be A Goddess

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We were standing in Lady Noire's Basilicom, looking at a sleeping Neptune. "I'm... not following the situation here. Why is my neighboring country's CPU napping in my Basilicom?"

I sighed. "Lady Noire, this is Neptune we're talking about. Take a wild guess."

Neptune turned to look at us. "Just ignore me and do your job. I won't mind one little bit."

Lady Noire began to glare. "Yeah, well, I do mind!"

Nepgear smiled, embarrassed. "I'm sorry about this, Noire!" She then tried to wake her older sister. "Get up Neptune, please!"


"You wanted to be a better CPU, right?"

Lady Noire walked up. "Yeah, about all that. No thanks. I have no intention of teaching my enemies how to do their jobs."

Neptune sat up. "Aw, but we're buddies now! That's what we signed that Friendship Treaty for, right? So we can stop-"

"As long as we're competing for Shares, that still makes us enemies. Get it?"

"Blah! Why do you always gotta be such a meanie all the time? See, now this is why you don't have any friends."

This caught Noire off-guard, causing her to blush. "I-! I do too have a friend!"

Neptune leaned towards Noire, smiling. "Woah, for real? What's her name then?"

"Huh? Oh... You don't... know her..."

Uni came out of the elevator holding a stack of organized papers. "Hey, Noire! I finished these documents for you!"

She looked over. "Oh. Thanks, Uni, that's nice. Just set them over there."

Nepgear gave her a wave and Uni started to fidget. "My job, uh... I was pretty fast, right? I worked really hard this time-"

"It was average." Man, way to be cold. "But that's still an improvement for you."

Neptune butted in. "Wait! Was Uni the mysterious friend you were talking about? 'Cuz little sisters are little sisters, they don't count as friends." I noticed Uni grow really sad and start to walk off.

"Of course not! I have... another!"

"Oh really? 'Cause you sure look like a lonely loner to me!" Nepgear noticed Uni as well and I put a hand on her shoulder.



We entered the elevator Uni took and exited the Basilicom. Looking around, we didn't see her anywhere near the massive building.

"Where did she go...?"

I held up my hand. "Hold on." Activating a Skill named 'Search' I had picked up during one of Hulo's impromptu games of 'hide-and-seek', I saw tracks leading out of the Basilicom. Identifying them as Uni's I began to follow them to a lake. Turning off Search, I smiled at Nepgear.

"If you're wondering, that was a Skill I picked up a couple of years ago. Search. Lets me see tracks and what-not and identify them."

"That's useful."

I nodded. "Yeah, especially when you have a 9-year old brother who loves to annoy the crap outta you."

Uni looked over to her right and saw us. "Nepgear... Motta..."

We sat on the octagonal bench together. Nepgear was the first to talk. "I'm sorry Neptune kinda hijacked your talk with your sister."

Uni shook her head. "It's okay. My conversations with her always turn out the same, anyway."

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