Chapter 10

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After work when the girls are home they find some unknown person at the front door and they stop to a walk.

Who are you, raven and angle ask at the same time.

The man turns around slowly and they recognize  him from work as the front man the man who tells them what to do.

How did you find us, did you follow us, how did you get her before we did.

How do you think I did this I am just as fast as you. That is why I was able to get here faster than you we are one in the same.

What do you mean we are one in the same. We are nothing alike both of the girls say at the same time.

Oh but we are and I know who made you two the way that you are and I have to say you are two very smart to do what you are doing. But you do know that it is smart to hide it. And that also is a smart thing to do

Again how do you know what we are. You look like a normal human to us

The man who created you two had created me and just like you I ran away but the only thing that is different is that you raven shot him I did not but then again you did what you felt you had to do in order to get away from him. And just so you know I am here to help you not to turn you in.

But you dont know us, and we dont know you. So how do we know how do we know that we can trust you.

Because like I said I am like you.

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