Part (2)

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(3rd POV)

Jungkook was still frozen in spot trying to figure out what to answer the older. He wasn't just going to tell him the truth...Tae would think he's a stalker or something.

"Yes...indeed it is". Jungkook jumped when he felt someone standing behind him and trying to look into his was Namjoon.

"I..". Jungkook tried to make up an excuse but it felt like his mind had just shutdown. He cursed under his breath, now what was he supposed to say.

"Good morning students". Saved by the teacher Jungkook could finally breath again.

The older turned around and sat on his seat taking out his notebook since the lesson was starting.

"Thanks for the help". Jungkook spat sarcastically. He glared at his step brother who was just laughing at the situation without making a move to help Jungkook.

"Sorry Kookie..but your expression was priceless". Sehun chuckled showing the younger a picture of himself.

He groaned at how frustradted he had looked while facing Taehyung. And that's another reason why he just won't talk to Taehyung.

He get all frustrated and can't say a proper sentence. Hell he couldn't even say a single word.

He put his head on the table cursing himself for being so shy when he suddenly felt someone tapping on his head.

He shook his head ignoring the person thinking it was probably Sehun trying to annoy him again.

The person tapped on his again this time more eagerly and jungkook shot his head up glaring ready to kill Sehun with the look in his eyes.

His mouth dropped open when he saw Taehyung facing him with a small paper in his hand.

The older slipped the paper into the youngers hand with a smile and turned around.

Jungkook opened the paper and couldn't help but blush at the comment Tae has made.

'That drawing was really have an amazing talent in drawing'

He smiled reading the note yet again until he realized he should probably thank the older for the compliment.

He took out his small colored notes and wrote a simple thank you. He then tried to tap the older but just on cue the older turned around.

This time jungkook actually managed to smile at him without looking like a complete idiot.

He passed the note to the older and the older took it with a smile of course...and that smile made Jungkooks heart flutter.

'How can he be so perfect' Jungkook knew it was cheesy of him to think that but he was drowning in the olders beauty...literally.

'Thank you so much'

Taehyung couldn't help but feel like there was something familiar about the youngers hand writing.

But he shrugged it off. Yet he couldn't deny the fact that the younger had amazing hand writing.

Thinking about hand writings made Taehyung start thinking about the person leaving him notes.

He really wanted to find out who it was. He would've loved to meet that person and get to know them.

Seeing as how neat and nice the handwriting reminded him of some of his female classmates writing and so he supposed it was one of them.


It was now lunch break and that got  Taehyung excited because he knew a certain someone has left him a note in his locker.

'Do you know how amazing your smile is? Talking to you today was honestly going to make my whole week amazing'

Taehyung stood there frozen in his place. He couldn't believe he had talked to the person leaving him notes today.

He tried to remember every single person he had talked to today yet none of them could've been this person.

He almost closed his locker when his eyes caught another small note in his locker. He took it out and read it.

'You know if you keep trying to find out who I am it'll only be harder for me to leave notes here'

Taehyung chuckled at the note he had just read. "Well I can't just not look for you can I?" Taehyung whispered to himself smiling.

He thought that he was crazy for talking to himself in the hall...but little did he know Jungkook was standing behind him blushing at what he just heard the older whisper.

Jungkook snapped out of his trance when someone shut his locker which let out a loud sound.

"You are sooo not forgetting to have lunch with me today". Sehun said pulling the younger to the canteen.

"Hyung~ I can walk by my self you know". Jungkook exclaimed. He couldn't help but notice how people were staring at them and whispering.

No one really knew Sehun and Jungkook were siblings. It was that's they didn't want anyone to know it's just that they didn't think it was anyone's business.

Of course their friends all know they're siblings. But it's still a bit weird to people who don't know their siblings if they're this close.

Jungkook and Sehun sat in their usual spot waiting for their friends to arrive.

"So how's your love life going?" Sehun smirked at his younger brother knowing he's beat red by now.

"Shut up". Jungkook muttered under his breath trying to hide his face.

"Hey I'm serious". Jungkook raised his head from off of the table and looked at his brother only to see that he had a serious look on his face.

"It's not going so great. I mean I get to talk to him everyday but not the way I want to". Jungkook confessed looking down.

"Well why don't you talk to him? Tell him you're the one that was leaving notes for him?". Sehun asked patting his brothers shoulder to assure him that everything's gonna be fine.

"I can't do that...he'll hate me". Replied his heart being in pain at his own words.

"Well then don't....I have an idea". Sehun smirked before he whispered the idea in his brothers ear who was shocked to hear the idea to be the least.

"YOU'RE CRAZY". Jungkook yelled slamming his hands on the table. Realizing what he did he sat back down and apologized.

"Just trust me". That was the last thing Sehun said before their friends made their way to the table.

Jungkook didn't like Sehun a idea what so ever! But he couldn't really stop his brother even if he wanted to.


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