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Requested by my friend so I'm going off what she told me to do. This is Mpreg and it is a 3 part thing because it would be way too long for one part. Hope it is enjoyed. (1/3)


Into the garbage with that one...


Trash that one too...


Finally, it's speaking some sense.

Joel had been sitting in the bus bathroom for over an hour now messing with the shitty dollar store pregnancy tests and even though he wasn't sure how he got here, he was spending his day off trying to convince himself he wasn't pregnant. I mean he was a man for fuck sake and men can't get pregnant. Or that's what he thought at least.

His band was on the way home from their last leg of a summer tour that they put together with Set It Off and a few other smaller bands. Around two months ago he started fucking around with Cody Carson after a particularly lonely night, which led to a still blossoming relationship.

The timer on his phone went off signifying that he needed to look at the last pregnancy test and possibly seal his fate forever.


"What the fuck," Joel audibly swore before getting mad and slamming the test down onto the bus floor. Emotion took him over and he laid his head between his knees and cried silently for a minute.

He was pulled away from his pity party by a knock on the door. Before he could reject the person attempting to come in, they were already pushing their way into the small crowded room. Refusing to look up Joel kept his head down until he felt a hand on his back. His watery eyes met the concerned eyes of Bradley. He looked back down as the tears came harder.

"Man I-I think I fucked up..." he cried wiping his soaked eyes.

Bradley's eyes grazed over the three tests and the busted one on the floor. He was as equally confused as Joel was at the moment but he saw that he just needed to be calmed down. He scooted as close as he could in the tight quarters and wrapped his arms around the smaller guy trying to give a comforting hug.

"It's okay Joel, I don't understand why or how this would have happened, but I think its best if you see a doctor."

Joel just nodded unable to speak. What would he do if he was pregnant?

He decided before his mind got away from him he would make a doctor's appointment when he got home, and if he was.... you know, he'd have to tell Cody.


The office was cold and the smell of it turned Joel's stomach. He had been here for hours and all they had done was checked his vitals and took a blood and urine sample. He was hungry and uncomfortable, he thought they would never let him leave. However, 20 minutes later the doctor walked with a large clipboard.

"Mr. Faviere, we have your blood work results and everything seems fine. However, we noticed an increased amount of Estrogen in your system, which is quite concerning at this high rate. Would you mind if we had a look at you through an ultrasound to make sure everything is normal in there?"

Joel paled at the word. The doctor talking about an ultrasound made his fear more of a possibility. He swallowed thickly and gave the doctor a nod.

After the prep, Joel was laid out on the table watching his doctor move the little wand back and forth on his belly. The screen was thankfully turned away from him and his only indication of anything was the doctor's face. She was stoic for most of it, her face showed no emotion which calmed Joel down a lot. He was actually able to close his eyes and enjoy the feel of the tiny tummy message.

As soon as he had fully relaxed though, he heard the doctor gasp causing him to jerk up from his comfy position. His panicked eyes looked to the doctor as if she was going to yell 'Sike', but she didn't. Her face grew concerned and Joel's eyes begged her to tell him something.

"This is amazing. I've never seen anything like this." her amusement was almost making the lanky man mad, "have you had any genital bleeding of any kind or maybe cramps once or twice a month?" she asked.

He shook his head no. Why would she ask a stupid question like that?

"Well, let me just show you."

The doctor turned the screen and moved the wand around. "Here is your Uterus and your womb and you-" Joel cut the doctor off.

"Those are female parts, I shouldn't have those."

She continued, "Apparently you have forever, and that means I have one more surprise."

Mashing a button on the monitor caused a little sound to play out of the room as the doctor moved the wand back to a certain spot. Though Joel wanted to deny it, through a blur of tears he understood what the bean-sized dot and the heartbeat meant.


It had been close to a month since he had talked to Cody. He had texted him after his appointment and asked if they could meet up for the weekend. His message went unanswered, but he could see that Cody had read it. Joel took it as a sign that Cody couldn't talk at that moment, but once unanswered for a few days turned into weeks turned into a month Joel realized Cody wasn't really that interested in him.

Joel was heartbroken, but he couldn't dwell too much on it. He did, however, need to be professional about it.

Joel had managed to get a hold of Maxx who was conveniently out with him. Cody didn't sound too thrilled to be talking to Joel but listened to him.

"Hey Cody, it's Joel. I was wondering if we could meet at the small cafe near my house this weekend I have something that I've been wanting to tell you."

He was barely able to hear Cody's response " there...see ya." Then the line went dead.

sighing loudly Joel dropped his phone down on his couch. What the hell has he just done?


Looking at himself in the body mirror on his door, Joel sighed. It was nearing the end of October and the cold was already starting to set in. His house was drafty as all could get causing the cold to really seep into his bones. He shivered slightly and brought his jacket around him tighter, taking care to avoid the small swell of his stomach. Though he wasn't very far along the small man was showing more than he cared to. Flipping his hair out of his eyes he grabbed his keys and made his way to the small secluded café.

It seemed to be colder as he got closer. Why was it halfway winter already?

Walking into the café the smell of coffee and bread hit him like a truck causing him stomach to rumble. He was nervous beyond all comprehension and prayed to whatever god that would listen to him, that Cody wouldn't cause a scene. He had ordered himself a glass of water and waited. Nervously checking his phone every minute or so. His stomach dropped with every minute that ticked by.

He had been sitting there for what felt like ages and Cody was 45 minutes late. Joel was considering leaving and never telling Cody, he could keep it secret, it's not like Cody deserved to know anyway after the way he used Joel and then stood him up like this. As more time passed Joel began to get anxious. What did he do to deserve being treated like this? Getting pregnant at 21 and left on his own. Sure, he had his bandmates that promised to do anything for him, but they weren't going to give his baby its father.

Wringing a napkin around his finger his thoughts were starting to get to him. He didn't want to get emotional in this café. So he used the tattered napkin to wipe his face as he began to gather his things to leave.

Joel ran out of the small building, but in his haste, he ran into a man trying to enter the door. He looked up to apologize but was faced with non-other than the man he had been waiting almost an hour and a half for.

Cody Carson.

Band One-shots (Per request)Where stories live. Discover now