6- Memes

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Quirk Name:

User canuse a meme to use as defence, fights, attacking, ect. Depending on what meme has been used, how known the meme is, what what the meme pictures/says will be how it can be sued.

"You yee'd ur last haw, pArdnEr!!1!"
Can be used as an attack mechanisim- injures people by giving them small poisin injections

"Im already T R A C E R"
Can be used as an attack mechanisim- injures somebody's ears/affect their hearing

"SKskSk aNd i oOp SAve tHE tuRtlEs!"
Can be used as a healing mechansisim- Will heal smaller injures like paper cuts

"Look at the wall, ceiling, floor, lights-"
Can be used as a defence mechanisim and a fighting mechansisim- will bring the opponent(s) to think that they're slowly going insane

User will be affected by their own quirk and how they use it


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