Chapter 1 or part 1

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Though he was an ice mage of the guild fairy tail my body curled up to his felt so warm as if the sun was shining it's morning rays unto our perfection of intertwined undying passion. His soft gentle lips against my nude neck the feeling only could be matched with the soft spring rain shower the first of its kind to ever brighten up the day in this moment.My soft moans filled him with joy as he started to ravish my virgin body..the room turns red as the beautiful color of passion and lust.
"Oh gray-Sama.." I start
Yes gray-Sama that's it!" I yell as my eyes start to flourish with the morning dew light shining through my glass window.
Suddenly I realize. THIS WAS ALL A DREAM!!!
I glance around my room just to be sure and quickly I am ambushed with the shouts of..?
Wait who is that I question.
And out of no surprise Lucy trips and falls face first on to my favorite gray-sama plushie.
I scream at her out of anger as my blood starts to boil with the heat of passion of my gray-sama.
Lucy is the perfect girl she has blonde hair brown soft eyes big bouncy breasts (although mine are better)
And she is always trying to suduce my gray and bless his poor soul he falls for her every time.
It is at that time that I realize natsu happy and MY BELOVED GRAY-SAMA standing in my door way and natsu is raiding my dresser drawers looking for food.
"Do you want to go on this job with gray ,Juvia?!" Lucy askes with a bubbly joyful tone.
I hesitate but suddenly shout "YES!!!" as I watch my gray walking towards me.
As I walk closer to juvia I see a burning flame of joy in her deep ocean blue eyes.
I only had suggested to go on a job with her because I wanted her to know we could be good friends. The real point of it was for it to just be me and juvia and a good friend experience. When Lucy heard of my plan I was given a list of things not to do I read some of them out loud. "No kissing. No hugging. No having sex." Wtf Lucy.
It kinda annoyed me due to the fact they didn't trust us like I would do anything crazy I don't ever like the crazy bitch.

Part 2 coming soon 😋☔️❄️💙

Ice cold loveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang