Chapter 2

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"WE HAVE DETECTED THAT THE FEMALE IS THE DOCTOR" the dalek said "THE DOCTOR WILL NEAL" it said "I though we went over this. I will NOT Neal" I said. "Hey! Bucket heads! Guy in here trying to get your attention while your just talking to some weird girl" a man yelled from behind me.
I turned around and glared at the boy. "This 'weird girl' is trying to save your life arsehole" I said. When I turned around a dalek was pointing it whisk at my side. "Oi! i think i dont want to die right now thanks, could you point your whisk at something else please?" i said and put my hand on my hip. "THE DOCTOR WILL NEA-" it started "OH SHUT UP" i yelled at it and pulled the sonic from my bra and soniced it, confusing it for only a little bit of time. At lest an hour. Or a half. I scanned the whole room and they were all shut down for now.
I went to the control rooms and started typing, "all I need to do is" I started, I was setting the ship to travel back were it came from, in 20 minuets.
I ran down the hallways and as I reached the boys cell he yelled out "Hey! You can't just leave me with them!" He said "fine" I rolled my eyes and Soniced the key hole. "Come on idiot" I said and dragged him by the arm.
"Where are we going?" He asked "why do you ask so many questions?!" I said sassily "I only said one thing!" He yelled "exactly, SHUT UP!" I said and dragged him to the TARDIS.
I fiddled with the key and opened the door. "Get in arsehole" I said and pushed him in, then I jumped in.
"Woah, it's-" he started "yes bigger on the inside I KNOW! Right now I'm busy working on getting us off a dalek ship" I said as I was pressing buttons on my TARDIS that probably was regenerating itself. "Do you know a place we could go? Just for a few days?" I asked. "Yeah, Manchester England, can you do that?" He asked. "Duh I can do that. Just can't tell you we will end up in the right place" I mumbled the last part.
I flipped a switch and off we went. Sparks flew from the TARDIS console as the boy was thrown to the floor. The TARDIS landed with a thump. "Oi, what's your name?" I asked "Kyle, Kyle Owen" he said.
I smiled "well Kyle, it was nice knowing yuh, but I don't need your help anymore, bye!" I said and waved my fingers.
As I went down the street I went to a ATM and soniced it and money fell out. I put it in my, well the only place I could put something right now. I needed to change. Like now.
One thing I've never done in my life.
Time to go shopping.

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