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I slammed my alarm clock with my foot. I let out a loud exhausted sigh. I slowly opened my eyes only to close them again due to the sunlight protruding threw my opened window. I fluttered my eyes open and quickly adjusted to the light. I shifted my gaze towards my full sized mirror and groaned in disgust as I made eye contact with myself. I rolled over to my side and curled up into a ball. Tears pricked my eyes as it was once again another day on this wretched earth.

I laid still for a good 20 minutes trying to find a reason to get out of bed. I found one, but it was only because Bakugou kept messaging me telling me to get up. I knew it was him because he is the only one who texts me. I sighed once again as I slowly stood up. I walked towards my desk and pulled out a chair. I sat down. I grabbed a pen and paper and started writing. 

As i finished writing out my thoughts, my mind was screaming at me, telling me why i'm so worthless and undeserving of anything. I grabbed my anti-depressants and a bottle of water that was on the floor. I took two and decided that was enough for today. I stood up and wavered to my window and grabbed my uniform that was on the carpet. I looked outside from my window and saw kids already heading to school.

I made my way to the bathroom and closed the door. I slowly started getting undressed from my sleeping clothes. I finally put on my gray and green blazer. I looked like a heroin addict but i didn't care enough to do something about it. I then decided to put a red bow on my short messy hair to try to look decent.

 I then decided to put a red bow on my short messy hair to try to look decent

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I grabbed my bag and walked out the door. It was quiet in the house as i made my way downstairs. I decided not to get anything to eat because, what was the point? im useless and unworthy of anything. I slipped on my shoes and opened the door. I locked the door and walked down to the side walk.

 I checked the time and ran. Crap, I WAS LATE!!  I ran as fast as I could. I ran past the other teenagers and the coffee shop. I started jogging going slower and slower and I made it to the gates of U.A.. 

"OI IDIOT!" Someone shouted. I looked up and my eyes made contact with a spiky ash blonds eyes. 

"O-oh! Sorry Bakugou! I didn't realize what t-time it was!" I stuttered.

"Tch idiot. If you're going to oversleep like this everyday, i feel better off just leaving you." He said.

"Sorry. I'll try harder next time okay?" I replied.

"You better you idiot. Now lets hurry up and make it to class." He sighed.

2 minutes later we arrived at the doors of class 1-A. He opened the door and made his way to his desk. I did the same, only sitting in front of him near the window. Uraraka walked towards Bakugous desk and started talking to him. The class was buzzing with excitement. Chatter echoing threw my mind I drowned them out. I sighed and looked out the window. It was going to be a long day.

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