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"Ah yes." I say to myself, "a perfectly executed exchange with my true love! Aren't i just so socially capable?" I smugly smile to myself at my new found success. "This calls for celebration."

"Pew pew" i go as i pretend to shoot webs out of my wrists, "iwannabespiderman" i continue.
I proceed to mimic my childhood hero, Spider-Man, for a solid 30 minutes. I mean, i would be able to wank 30 solid wanks in that time, but 30 minutes of pure and unadulterated Spider-Man hands fet like ecstasy to me! It was the best 30 minutes of my life! Probably only second to... wait...

I look over my shoulder. I couldnt believe my pathetically-endowed eyes. The incredible Nicole was still sitting next to me, and better yet, also shooting webs out of her slender wrists! "Psst! Psssssst!!!" The angelic Nicole went, it was music to my ears.

My micropenis was also incredibly impressed. As if it wasnt already begging to see the impeccable Nicole for itself.
"LeT mE SEe hERrr!!!" My inwardly shrivelled boner squealed with joyous delight. I panicked, but with my quick thinking, i punched myself in the dick as hard as i could. I mean, i absolutely clobber that sad small boi. It should have hurt so badly, but I could barely reach it anyway. It was so well hidden underneath the folds of skin and thicc thigh that bury my poor cock, that i could barely feel a thing. But the message was loud and clear, and my little penis friend understood. He shut up for a while.

Luckily the immaculate Nicole did not hear my magic talking peen, nor my brutal pummeling of my magic peen, and continued her way with shooting webs with her hands. My god was I absolutely floored by how perfect her Spider-Man form was. Even I couldnt do it as well as she could. I try to silently hide my deep deep moans, she really was the perfect woman.

But our small Spider-Man bonding session was cut short by our teacher who just came in. She looked distressed and completely disoriented.
"I-i-i-i-i.... i-i'm s-so sor-r-ry" she started. She opened her mouth again to continue but decided against it. She grabbed worksheets and handed them out to the class, and proceeded to head to the year 12s, ignoring the rest of us plebians.

Instead of a deep and longing moan, i manage to let out a humanly and socially acceptable sigh. I look at the love of my life, and muster up the courage to speak to my queen. And try my best to be as normal as i could, after just deeply moaning as she said her beautiful name out loud.
"So do you maybe wanna get this work done?" I shyly ask, barely able to calm down my quick breathing.
"Iwannabespiderman" she replies.
Fuck, i truly fall deeper and deeper in love with this woman every second. I hope she takes this seriously and doesnt pretend that my love for her doesnt exist for months on end!!!

I look at my work and slide it away from me. I turn back to the light of my world and smile as i continue to longingly watch her shoot webs out of her wrists for another half an hour.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2019 ⏰

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