Chapter 1: The Creepy Quiz

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So, It's new story time! :D I'm not sure how this is going to go and it may get deleted depending on how it turns out!

A-Anyways, Enjoy! :33

Morgan's POV-

"Oi! Maddie'! Lexi! All the computers are going to be gone if we don't hurry up!" I shouted to my best friends.

"Okay I'm hurrying!! Jeez." Maddie casually replied as if she had all the time in the world.

Maddie and I raced through the library doors and started to run to the computers with Lexi steadily walking behind us. She's always following the rules.. -.-"

"NO RUNNING IN THE LIBRARY!" The old, annoying librarian Mrs Grover called out, attempting to wobble down the hallway after us.

I turned around and gave her an innocent smile, "Sorry miss! I'm just so excited! I can't wait to get homework out of the way!" Oh god that was hard to say. I literally had to choke it out. Homework is.. Bleurgh. I'd rather be in an anime than do homework.
"Yes! There's two left!" Maddie sort-of-shouted to me.

"Shut up idiot you're going to get us kicked out!" I accidentally snapped. Maddie flinched and quickly sat down at her computer, going into what I like to call her 'sort-of-sulk-mode'.

"I'm going to read for a bit.." I just about heard Lexi mumble as she took a seat at the table nearest us.

"Okay then Lex, just tell us if you want a turn~" Maddie smiled at her and turned back to her computer screen.

"Maddie! I just remembered something!" I exclaimed, shifting awkwardly in my seat. I don't usually bring up anime related stuff, But when I do, It's awkward. Really awkward. Well for me it is anyway..

"What? What? What? What?-" Maddie questioned whilst spinning around on her wheelie chair.

I sighed in irritation and glared at her "I'll tell you when you shut the hell up." She stopped talking and looked at me expectantly. "I found an 07 Ghost quiz last night and thought we should take it. Want to try-"

"YESYESYESYESYES LETS DO THIS!" I sweat dropped, Maddie is way too hyper for her own good.

"Fine.. Here's the site.." I mumbled, glaring at her in the hopes that it would make her stop with the random outbursts.

*le time skip to 5 mins later because Author is feeling lazy on the first chapter xD*

"Come on.. Hurry up.. The schools internet is crap! HURRY UP!" I was about to hit the computer screen but got stopped by Lexi. She was holding my arm and she was glaring softly at me. ((A/N: Pffft.. Glaring softly is totally a thing.))

"Baka." She mumbled.

"Woah! It speaks!" Maddie exclaimed, dramatically throwing her hands above her head.
I face-palmed at this and Lexi smiled slightly. "The pages loaded. Now let me do this shiz." I said, smirking.

Right.. Here we go:

Q1- Do you believe in god?
A- No. Why would I?

Q2- Red or Blue?
A- Red obviously.

Q3- What would you rather be? A bishop or a part of the military?
A- A part of the military.. There's less hassle.

Q4- What do you think of FrauxTeito?
A- Wtf. O.O These questions are stupid!

Q5- Do you know the names of all the ghosts?
A- Yeah.. Why the hell would you want to know?!

'That was surprisingly short..' I found myself thinking, Oh well.. I guess I'll have to find a better one later..

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