Relationships Part 2

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I have no idea where I was going with relationships...I was also slightly drunk but whose counting right? 

In all honesty I wish there was more support for couples where one or both suffer from chronic illness. Where chronic illness diverges from life-altering illnesses is that there may be an end in sight. Not an end you want, but eventually there may be a remission or God forbid the worst and I'll end this sentence there. With chronic illness, there is no end in sight which means you often sit and wonder, how am I going to take care of this person? Or for me, how am I going to live with this forever and keep my relationships?

The biggest thing as a wife has been finding ways to communicate what I needed, setting boundaries on what I am capable of doing and listening to my body so as not to end up with a huge flair up again. It sucks, so epically it's not even funny. 

My kids are a different story. I started looking for ways to spend time with them that didn't involve as much movement at first. Trust me, I miss(ed) going to the zoo and parks with them. For a few years I never even got to go out for short family outings. I couldn't stand. After much time, treatment, exercise and work on my body I can now. 

My children, sadly know what POTS is. They know mommy spends a lot of time going to doctors and probably will end up in the ER 2-4 times a year because my body isn't cooperating. They know I need exercise and they know that if I don't take care of myself then I will end up on my face.

I don't have a magic pill to give for relationships but I do know one of the major facets of it is appreciating each other, trying to laugh and have fun and giving and receiving comfort. We had a long hard road together and we keep trying and moving on, which is the most important thing. 

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