What Not to Say

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Well, really if you are reading this, you probably have POTS so then you would know what not to say. But if you have well-meaning annoying family members and friends that think they are doing you favors by googling your freaking symptoms and then telling you the cure...then this could work for you.

1. It's all in your mind.

No, you cannot make up low blood pressure. Hypotension as it's called cannot be made up or outthought. 

2. Just exercise.

No,  if you don't exercise correctly, under the right protocol with the right ramp up you will be on your face.

3. God never gives you more than you can handle.

I beg to differ. In the beginning, when you are first looking for a diagnosis and your symptoms are out of control and you lose your active life, it's too much. In general religious epitaphs are generally ridiculous, annoying and unhelpful.

4. Maybe if you lose weight.

Psych! I lost 70lbs and it did shit for me. I had less symptoms when I was over 300lbs...

5. When are you going to feel better?

The word of the day is "chronic". Chronic means, it may never be better. It might go into remission, it might lessen somedays but it will never be completely gone.

6. It's not fair to your spouse. You should really take on more so they don't have to work so hard.

Yeah cause I want to go to the ER or the psych ward. Take your pick.

I'll add to this as I hear more. I try to be forgiving but often times people have said that I am unfair to my family for being sick, I am not working as hard as I should and that my husband doesn't get to do what he wants. I'll agree that it sucks for everyone involved but POTS is a beast...

Life with Pots-Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (NANOWRIMO2019)Where stories live. Discover now