Hack Number 6982591385 O^O/ v.v Not really. It's Hack 1.

102 4 1

Mkay, so, first hack.

Babyyy. I love youuuu. <3

I cannot believe it's almost been a year since I met you. I feel old. v.v'

e-e This is bad. Cherry, cherry bad. (TvT)

Okay, I'm sorry. This one is going to be really sucky, just because I'm in a horrible state right now.

Just know that I love you. <3

Forever and always, right?

I think I'll end up posting these mostly in the morning, cause ya know, you're two hours behind me. e.e So you're usually on "later" than I am.

Omfg, wait. I just remembered something.

Remember our love story? We have the most cliche love story in the history of love stories. cx

You're the good girl; I'm the bad boy. You're a virgin; I sleep around. You study hard; I party hard. Aaand, you live in California, I come from Texas. TvT/ I swear, most cliche love story ever. xD

Love you baby. <3 Forever&Always

Btw. Your password. TvT Wow. Just. Wow. TvT

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