I Missed School For This

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The large projector behind the girl, who had yet to introduce herself, read one name.

Richie Tozier

Eddie was confused still. What did this mean? Why is Richie's name up there right now? This is insane! String Theory? That sounds made up!

"Everything is technically made up, Eds," He remembers Richie saying, with a roll of his eyes. As much of a dumbass Richie was, he sure was a smartass. He forgets Richie is a straight A student sometimes, smartest in their classes.

What did any of this have to do with him? He liked to think he was relatively normal, his friends were too. Why were our names called then? A traitorous part of his mind, that sounded suspiciously like Stan, whispered.

Shut up! He hissed back in his head. He shook his head, disappointed in himself. Great, now I'm talking to myself.

Before his thoughts could continue, the girl spoke up.

"I will be going in order of most known to least known. After that is completed, we will get on to the story and saving people part," She enthusiastically spoke, "I will give the name of your alternate self, everyone please remember their name for each one."

Richie realized his name was first on screen, too busy finding his glasses he had dropped, to notice until now. If she is going from most famous to least, and I'm first, that means..., he excitedly turned to Bill. "Holy Shit! I'm the most famous, dude! I must totally get all the chicks!"

Bill sighed, exasperated, Great, Richie gets an even bigger ego. He suppressed a grin at the thought, he didn't think Richie getting a bigger ego was possible.

Stan let out a quiet groan next to him. He clearly shared Bill's thought. Richie was too busy being excited to notice Stan wince at the thought of the bragging he was sure to do.

The girl looked over to Richie, who was having the time of his life, and smiled. "Alright, I want you all to remember each person's name. I will clarify if you truly don't remember," her green eyes grew annoyed, "but for the love of god, try to remember." She muttered something that sounded like, lord knows the others didn't

Eddie tilted his head in confusion, she had done this before? He mentally scolded himself, why wouldn't she have done it before? She clearly has experience if she managed to bring the entire town here.

"In my world, or dimension, Richie Tozier is a celebrity known as Finn Wolfhard."

Richie looked absolutely offended at his name being that.

" Now, something that may suprise you about Finn Wolfhard is," She tried her best not to make herself sound like a stalker. Hey, she IS 15, she is allowed to have a tiny crush on a boy everyone has a crush on, "He is known to be....incredibly attractive to most people my age."

Eddie's mind blanked. What the fuck? If he thought Richie's ego was gonna be huge before...God help them.

Richie was positivity beaming. He opened his mouth, undeniably about to say something stupid, before the girl held out her hand to stop him.

"I must warn you, you all look very different than you do right now. You are older, more mature, some of you even have completely different personalities." She looked to Henry Bowers and his gang. Nobody noticed, as they were caught up in the confusing information of Richie gets hot being unloaded on them.

"So, first I'll get into biographies, pictures, then to interviews and videos, movie/show trailers and clips they are in." She smiled excitedly, "Let's get right into it!"

There was a large projector screen behind her that lit up. It was finally something familiar, although he expected something more futuristic to appear, maybe a hologram or something.

A page of information was pulled up on the wall. Eddie froze. He still expected this to be a big joke or something.....but this? This felt too real.

Everyone leaned back into their seats as the lights dimmed, and everyone went quiet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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