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Warning: mild swearing but at a minimum

Happy Thanksgiving!


"Um.. America?" Canada asked softly to his brother.

"What's up dude?" America answered.

"Where is the maple syrup?" He questioned.

"Why are you asking me? You are the only one who consumes maple syrup everyday." He responded back.

"I refilled the maple syrup yesterday, but this morning, all of it is gone..."

America and Canada glanced at the empty mini fridge where the maple syrup once was. He could see Canada panicking, but they're both panicking at the same time. If Canada does not get his daily intake of maple syrup, he will go insane.

One time, when Canada was just 5, the UK had to confiscate his maple syrup because Canada drank from the bottle. And the next day, his tea was set on fire because America saw Canada crying in bed and had to do that to get back at him. Plus it would be used for blackmail since UK was practically crying as they could not go outside during a snow storm.

They glanced back at each other and started running towards the car and Canada going 120 kilometers per hour towards the grocery store. They got out of the car, got a shopping cart, and took the whole stack of maple syrup. They bought it, dumped it all in the trunk, and America had to drive because Canada was finally reunited with the maple syrup and was drinking it already.

Once they arrived home, they unloaded, getting the bags of maple syrup, but midway, they heard a scream so loud that Russia, who is A FEW BLOCKS AWAY from their house, ran faster then the speed of light and asked what is wrong.

"Obviously we don't know, we just heard a scream from inside." America answered.

Russia put a peck on America's forehead and broke down the 8th door they had replaced in a month.

They saw Australia crying in the floor while New Zealand was trying to confront him.

"What happened Aussie?" Canada asked, being worried out if his mind.

"T-the snake.." Australia managed to get our of his mouth.

"What happened to your snake?" Russia asked.

New Zealand spoke up for him, "The snake is missing from the cage today. We just arrived from going to a kangaroo boxing match and Aussie needed to feed all of his pets until he saw his pet Acanthophis not in his cage."

"WHY WOULD AUSTRALIA HAVE A VENOMOUS SNAKE AS A PET?!" Russia asked, suprised and confused.

"Oh yeah, he keeps the craziest snakes our there as a pet." New Zealand stated with a smirk on his face. "But luckily, the snakes are somehow friendly and only attacks when nessecary."


"But countries can't die from i-" Canada stopped after stating it with a soft tone.

"Do we find it or not?" America asked.

"Bloody oath we find it!" Australia screamed at America, wiping away a few tears and standing up.

They all scattered away trying to find the snake. Moments later, a loud squeal echoed around the house.

"Mate! I found you!" Australia said as he came out of the bathroom, the snake now in his neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2019 ⏰

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