Chick Flicks are the Devil

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It was a clear April day and the sun was shining with promise.

"Get off, Dyson!" Raven pushed Changeling away from her neck.

He flopped onto his back. "My bad."

She rolled her eyes before adjusting her shirt to cover the hickey he'd just given her. It was hard to explain to Charlotte that they didn't hurt. "I think you drew blood."

"I didn't mean to bite so hard. Let me take a look."

She stopped him before he could move closer. "You're just trying to reattach yourself."

He grinned and let her hold him at arm's length. "What kind of man would I be if that were true?"

"A horndog." She pushed until he fell backwards. "I have to go. I have our weekly girl movie time."

Changeling made a face. "I don't know how you guys let Starfire talk you into watching chick flicks every Wednesday."

"She likes them. She's our friend. It's as simple as that." She slid to the edge of his bed and got up.

He yawned. "What am I supposed to do?"

"Entertain Charlotte." She said as if he should have known. "She should still be with Cyborg."

After training sessions, Cyborg took the least time to clean up so he watched the kids until their parents decided what to do with them.

"I wonder what we could play." He contemplated. "Cowboys and Indians?"

"They prefer Native Americans."

"Cops and Robbers?" He continued like she hadn't interrupted.

"Because the police do their job in this town." She snorted.

"Hobos Ridin the Rail?"

She stared at him. Now he was just messing with her. "No."

"Ring Around the Rosie? Hide and Seek? Kick the Can?" He was out and out laughing now.

"Play Hide and Seek." She decided. "But you better not lose her!"

He laughed. "I won't lose her. How hard can it be?"


I can't believe this is so hard! Changeling frowned as he tried to find his daughter. "Charlie! Where are you, Charlie?!"

He could hear giggles from somewhere but it sounded like it came from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. It was hella creepy.

"Charlie! Where are you?!" He shouldn't have said she could hide anywhere in the tower.

"Find me, Daddy!" A giggle rang out.

"I will!" He shouted, hoping that he could. He turned into a bloodhound and started sniffing around but her unique smell was everywhere. Some places were light but some were saturated as if she had been lying in wait for him before quickly skirting off.

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