It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's a Boy!

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Raven looked around before fully landing. "Are you sure this is the right place?"

Changeling regained his human form. "Yeah."

She cocked her head at the dark red, unassuming building. "Are you ready?"

"Nervous?" He grinned.

"No!" She was lying.

"How hard are you repressing right now?"

She sighed. He was a goon. "Very."

He took her hand and pulled her to the glass door. "It's not gonna get any easier standing out here."

She groaned. Today was going to be a long day...

They went inside and were immediately in a spacious waiting room. There were dark grey plastic chairs with low white tables filled with magazines. There were even a couple of lower tables for children to play on.

Changeling pulled her to the front of the room, where glass separated the waiting room from the receptionists. "Hi. Six o'clock for Raven?"

The woman smiled at him. "Yes. For Dr. Rosen." Changeling nodded. "You're all set. Take a seat and fill out these forms. She'll be with you soon."

Changeling took the clipboard and pen before tugging Raven to a spot to sit. He handed her the items. "Here you go."

Raven gave him a droll look. "Thanks."

He just gave a sunny grin before picking up a magazine.

She sighed and looked over the questions. There was a lot that she had no answer for. She didn't know her family history and she didn't have anything wrong with her. She checked a lot of "no" and "unknown" boxes.

After she was done, she looked it over carefully before looking at her boyfriend. "I didn't put my name down."

"Why not?" He barely looked over at her.

"I don't have a last name."

"Put mine." He shrugged before giving his full attention back to the magazine.

She rolled her eyes at his blasé response then did it. "What now?"

He didn't say anything.

"Changeling." She hit him with the clipboard.


"You're not that into that magazine and you know it!"

"I was so!" He rubbed his arm. "I was looking at this review for this restaurant that makes gourmet sandwiches!"

"Whatever." She huffed. "What do I do now? I'm done."

"Here. I'll take it back." He took the clipboard from her then muttered, "Mean!"

"I heard that!"

He hurried to the counter and returned the paperwork then came back. He sat down heavily and picked up the magazine.

Raven waited two seconds before she broke her own rule - she put her hand in his book. She wanted him to pay attention to her! She was nervous dammit!

Changeling looked at her like she was crazy before doing a double take. "Was that always there?"

"What?" She was confused.

"Nope." He leaned forward to pick up a candle. "So what are you feeling?"

"Confusion. Obviously." She took the candle from him.

"I mean before that."

"I don't know." He gave her a look. "Nervous."

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