Promises, Press Conferences

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"What are we going to do with all this stuff?" Nightwing looked around.

"I know I want those drums!" Cyborg geeked out over the set.

"There are a lot of flowers. What was that about?" Nightwing stuck himself on a thorn.

"Anger." Changeling grinned sheepishly. "I teased her about being embarrassed and she got mad."

"And flowers appeared? What is that ring?"

"Lightweight titanium." Cyborg replied. "It's supposed to harness her energy in a constructive way by manipulating her powers into conjuring up harmless objects if leaked."

"So she can essentially feel without worry now?"


"I guess we don't have to worry about those mood-swings anymore."

Changeling took a break (from eating cookies). "Whew! I was scared about those!"

Jinx laughed. "I can't wait to see how this goes."

"I can gather the rest of the blooms and display them in the rooms." Starfire offered.

Nightwing nodded. "Approved. Who's going to take all this art stuff? Changeling?"

Changeling looked over (having resumed eating). "Sure."

"Jinx? Could you take some of these mirrors? We'll donate whatever's left to Speedy."

Jinx laughed. "I can see that."

"Terra, can you round up all the tea and put what can fit in the pantry? We'll put the rest in another room."

Terra nodded. "Okay."

"Charlie?" Nightwing squatted in front of the little girl. "Can you take all the cookies into the kitchen for Uncle Dick?"

Charlotte grinned. She'd eaten another gingerbread man and her face was blue, red, green and white. "Okay, Uncle Dick!"

He smiled at her as she flew around the room collecting tins. "Bumble Bee? Take all the records. Dole out what you think everyone would like and take the rest to an old shop."

"Got it." She saluted him.

"Cy and I will move the instruments and sunglasses. We'll just give Charlie the balloons."

So they set to work cleaning up. Changeling took all the art supplies to his room, Charlotte put all the cookies in the kitchen and Starfire set a vase or two of flowers in every room of the tower.

Bumble Bee sorted through all the records and gave everyone what she thought they'd like then flew to the city to find a secondhand store. Terra found room in the pantry for all the tea except a few paper boxes and all the wooden ones. She put the paper boxes in the cabinets in the kitchen then stacked the wooden boxes in her arms to give to Raven for her room.

Jinx put mirrors in every room before finding boxes to send the rest to Speedy in. She snickered as she thought of how he would react when he got them. He'd probably be ecstatic. Nightwing and Cyborg rounded up the musical instruments and doled out who would get what then moved them to those rooms.

All the while, Kid Flash and Calvin slept and Raven meditated on the roof.


"Can we talk?"

Bumble Bee jerked and nearly spilt her tea. "Talk about what?"

"Changeling and Raven having another baby." Cyborg leaned into the fridge for a snack. "I haven't talked about it at all."

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