Chapter nine: a call from parents?!

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I didn't quite mind the fact that Paige had been with Peter. Peter obviously didn't want to see my face again for some odd reason. But today I was happy and cheerful. Seeing all the drama going on with me would probably have not made me cheerful but it did. I skipped along the corridor and smiled at everyone who passed me. The reason I'm so happy is because I have Paige back, she forgave me and we are really good friends again. The second reason is is that this guy called Tom asked me on a date! I mean I'm only 15 how many guys have to be my boyfriend?! And the third reason I'm happy is is because I have dance soon and I'm on the competition team! We have a really nice teacher, I'm so glad I nailed that audition.

"Hey lil" I said smiling at Lilian who was sitting in her bed.

"Hey Maddie! Where are you going?" She asked

"Well, we have dance practise soon" I reminded her.

"Oh yeah I better get up and get ready" she said jumping down from her bunk.

At that very second Paige walked in with two girls.

"Hey Paige" I said still smiling.

"Hey Maddie" she said.

I realised that the girl behind her was Ash..? And there was another girl with short brown hair and dark eyes.

"Oh Maddie this is Mia, Mia is in our dance team" she said as i identified the girl, she was the quiet girl. Wait had Paige gotten popular?!

"Hi" Mia whispered.

"Okay, we have dance. So maybe we should get a hurry on" said Ash dramatically.

Mia was already ready for dance. She was wearing a dark purple dance top and black shorts. She had an oversized jumper over the top and she had her dance bag swung over her shoulder.

When we got to dance we put our bags down and sat down waiting for our teacher. Yu, Kate and Brianna didn't dance, I found out yesterday that the school also is not only a dance school but cheer and gymnastics. Boy, would Chloe be happy there's gymnastics if only she were here. I haven't seen my family in three weeks but I was planning to see them this weekend.
Yu, Kate and Brianna did cheer but didn't dance.

I sat with Lily, Kaylee, Klara, Mia, Paige, Gemma, Suzy and Ash. When our teacher finally arrived we went into the dance studio and started to stretch. We started working on our group dance for an upcoming competition.

After dance we went straight to dinner because we were hungry and it finished late. I got a hot dog for dinner and us nine girls sat at a table.

"So.. Girls want the latest gossip?" Asked Ash as everyone leaned in. Ash was really popular and was sorta mean and she is very dramatic. But she knew how to get our attention which is what she want from us.

"So I'm like official not single in any way shape or form" she said showing off.

"Wait so who's your boyfriend?" Asked a curious Lily.

"Jacky. all the info I'm giving girls" she said as Brianna, Kate and Yu approached us. Ash and Mia joined them.

"Okay I'm full. Who wants to walk back with me?" I asked standing up.

"Yep sure" said Klara.

Lily, Kaylee, Paige, Gemma and Suzy were still eating so we left them.

I didn't know Klara that well but she was really nice. She had a caring smile on her face and her short curly blonde hair bobbed up and down when she walked.

"So.... Have you talked to Peter?" She asked.

Wow this must have gone around the whole school!

"No. I mean he doesn't like me anymore.." I stopped.

"Listen Maddie, your such a kind, funny, caring girl. I'm sure he does like you but it's just not right" she said.

"Maybe" I nodded.

When we got back to my dorm Klara stayed for a bit. We had a good conversation before saying goodbye. When she was gone j got changed into my pyjamas and hopped in my bed and grabbed my phone. It started ringing. It was my mum!

"Hey Madds!" She said.

"Mummy!" I yelled excited to hear her voice.

"I haven't spoken to you in ages I should have rung you. Chloe keeps begging to skype you. How cute aha?" She said.

I didn't even care about Yu entering my room with ash, Kate and Brianna I was just so excited to speak to my mum.

"So how is school going?"

"Good. Hey I'm coming home this weekend for a visit. I'll ask Paige's sister or brother to drop me" I said

"Okay see you soon" she said hanging up.

My eyes met Yu's.

"Ash let's make a rule." By the time I said that I realised Paige and Lily were also in our room on their top bunks.

"How about you have to ask all the roommates sharing this room's permission before you invite friends." I said directly to Yu and Ash.

"Okay" said Lily and Paige in unison.

"For all You know we could be getting changed so you and your little friends can't come just burst in" i said.

Today was Friday and I was really excited because tomorrow I was spending the night at my house with my family.

"So how's Tom?" Asked Paige curiously.

"He's...good." I replied with a smirk.

"So has he kissed you?" She asked.

"No! We are just friends" I said looking through the draws to find my shorts.

"Just friends? The couple I saw hugging are JUST friends?" She asked.

"Why do you have to be such a sticky beak?" I joked.

"And maybe a bit more than friends" I said.

"And how's Peter?" I asked realising I shouldn't have brought up the subject.

"He's... Okay I guess. I mean having my boyfriend be the most popular boy in our year wasn't too bad" she said smirking.

I went with Paige to breakfast where we saw Tom, Jack, Josh and Peter all sitting together.

"Omg we need to get Joshy to like Lily" I said with a little squeal.

"Ew it's weird saying Josh I mean my brothers called Josh" Paige Laughed.

It was weird how all our 'boyfriends' were sitting together and we are roommates. Ash and Jack, Peter and Paige and Tom and I.

I smiled at Tom as I walked past.

When we got back to our room we were pretty much ready for bed and I was tired seeing as it was 10:36 pm. I snuggled into my bed and so did the other girls.

"You know what, I really don't think you deserve to be with Tom" said a jealous Ash.

I could picture her rolling her eyes right now but it was too dark to tell.

"Well I honestly think Jack deserves better too. I heard a rumour you aren't really his girlfriend" I said.

Ash's voice softened to a nicer tone, "rumours are rumours... Now can we just go to sleep?"


Authors note: yay! Do u like this chapter? I think it's my fav! It took forever to write. Okay so is Ash and Jack a rumour or real?! Hmmm.

And who will Maddies new enemy be i know but whoever guesses right gets a mention in the next chapter:

1) Paige

2) Gemma and Suzy

3) Lily

4) Tom

5) Yu

6) Ash

7) Chloe

8) Mrs McNoris

Do u know?

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