Chapter twenty-one: pool time?!

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"Hey, we have to catch up some time these holidays" said Paige.

"Yeah, definitely" I said.

"Where though?" Asked Mae.

"Anywhere, us four can find fun anywhere!" Said Klara cheerfully.

"Kay here's my car, see you guys!" I said jumping into my car.

I waved to the girls and my mum gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"How's school been, honey?" She asked.

"Fine I guess" I said pulling out my phone.

"Do you have any boyfriends?" Asked Chloe sitting in the back seat.

"Boyfriends? What do you even know about boys, it's not like you have a boyfriend" I laughed.

"Actually...I do" she said with a grin.


"Not telling..." She said smirking.

When we pulled into the driveway of my house I got out and went to my room. It was only the beginning of summer holidays and it was already boiling hot!
I laid on my bed for a while before sitting up and unpacking. I pulled out the last two items of my suitcase and put them on my bed.
I decided to go watch some TV and have a milkshake and chips before getting changed and going in the pool.

"Maddie!" Said Chloe angrily.

"What?" I asked

"Those were MY chips!" She yelled.

"Okay... I don't see what's the problem with me eating them" I said stuffing a handful of chips into my mouth.

"You can't just come in here and eat all you like!" She screamed.

Chloe has a way of getting what she wants, so I decided it wasn't worth a fight and I handed over the chips.
It was getting pretty hot so I got into my bathers and headed to the pool.
I sat on the pool chair for a bit, finishing my milkshake.

My phone started buzzing and I answered with a shock. It was Nikki Brookes. How did she get my number?

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?" She asked.

"Yeah sure, wanna come over?" I said forgetting the fact my mum was home and she would freak out.

"Kay!" She said.

"Oh bring your bathers" I said.

"Yup I'll see you in five!" She said hanging up.

Nikki and I had been talking on Skype because I emailed her my Skype name.

A few minutes later I heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" I yelled racing my mum to the door but unfortunately I lost.

My mum opened the door and stood at the sight of Nikki. I never exactly explained the Brookes' story. Well they were those annoying next door neighbours. Not Nikki or her sister McKenzie who's three years younger. But her parents didn't like mine. Their uncle also stayed with them for a while. We used to have a dog called Jax and he was an amazing dog but one day we couldn't find him. And we saw some of his food on their front lawn and there was a few dog prints in their freshly lakes concrete. We contacted the council but we had no actual evidence so that's the third reason why we moved house.

"Hello... Nikki" said my mum uncomfortably.

"Hi Miss McGreen" she said.

"Um mum Nikki and I have been talking on Skype recently, she too just moved here and is going to start attending my school" I said calmly.

"Madds, can I talk to you in the kitchen" she said dragging me into the kitchen.

"Why didn't you tell me Nikki was coming?" She asked.

"Listen Nikki did nothing wrong. And she's really nice and my friend. And I didn't want you to freak out" I said.

"You know what I'll talk about it later."

We walked back to the door where Nikki was waiting patiently.

"Oh Mrs McGreen, I brought cookies and brownies" said Nikki.

At that sentence Chloe ran to the door, "did someone say brownies?" She asked giggling.

Nikki and I went out and talked by the pool.

"Hey I just wanna apologise for anything my parents did" she said.

I thought of Jax and a tear rolled down my cheek, "it's okay you-you didn't do it"

"Do what? What did my stupid parents do?" She asked angry at her parents.

"My dog, they killed my dog" I said.

"No, Maddie, I swear they didn't take your dog, they may have turned off your power and water supply because they were drunk most days but I promise they would never do that. They actually are animal protectors, they would never kill or even kidnap a dog" she said honestly.

"Oh" I said tasking it all in, "haha not kidnap, dognap" I joked, leading to endless giggles

"Hey it's getting hot, should we hop in?" Asked Nikki pulling off her white tank top and denim shorts revealing her floral print bathers.

"Yeah!" I said.

We both dived in the pool and giggled as we splashed each other.
"Hey let's take a pic" said Nikki drying her hands on her towel and reaching for her phone.

We took a pic and she posted it on Instagram with the hashtag #newbestfriend.

After giggling and swimming some more I noticed my mum standing in the doorway watching us. When she saw me her lips tightened and I could see the sadness on her face as she left to go back in side.

"Hey it's been amazing, your a great friend Maddie, you really are" said Nikki draining the water from her long brown hair.

"Yeah so are you. When we you starting at Westlake school of dance?" I asked.

"Next term, after the holidays. I can't wait" she said picking up her phone.

Her face loosened as she read the notification on Instagram.

"Sometimes I wonder about that girl...." She said putting her phone on the table.

Who was she talking about?

Was it Yu?????

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