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guys I'm losing inspiration, I have no idea what to write so put together this chapter just to be frequent tell me what you think. Also thank you for the 80+ reads, it means a lot.


Sophie woke up to the sound of her imparted ringing, huh, she thought, I don't remember putting an alarm. When she found that it was a call from her telepathy mentor, she answered immediately,

"Hello Sir Tiergan."

"Sophie, is Linh with you?" Not even bothering with responding in greeting, his voice was also laced in worry.

"No, isn't she with you?"

"She said she was going to practice but she never came back, so I thought she must've slept over with either you or Biana."

"Then did you check with the Vacker's?"

"Yes, but apparently they were also out!"

"Did you check at Dex's or at Keefe's?"
"Dex's yes, but they're not with Keefe."

Sophie felt bad, he already called the Vackers, whom still blamed for his the friends death. Surely, nobody would want to deal with Lord Sencen, so she said,

"Let me call Keefe up, while you.. um.. like round up.. um.. our gang." She never was sure what to say over the imparter, you never knew who was listening in.

"Sure thing."

And with that, the call ended, signaling for Sophie to call Keefe. It rang once, twice, three times and Sophie was beginning to get worried.

"Who dares ruin Lord Amazing Hair's fun? I will.. oh hey Foster, sup?"

"Keefe! You scared the living daylights out of me!"

The person on the other line clearly be heard 'trying' to muffle his laughter, "Sorry Foster, but you're one who called. Anyway, what did you want at such an unelfy hour?"

"Are the others with you?"

"Aw, is Foster feeling left out?"



"OME Keefe, just answer my question!"

"I"m doing very fine thank you and no, no one is here but me, Mrs Stinkbottom and another elf."

"Okay, thanks," Sophie said, knowing that the other elf was his dad, "Oh yeah, the gang wants to meet up, so can you come?"

"Yup! Just gimme an hour."





He was just shocked. All he could say was,

"Those psychos!"

LInh gave him the look, "Ya think?"

"No, I don't think, I know."

Behind him, he heard a voice groan.



"Yes!" He shouted, but he blushed as soon as realized his tone. Linh smirked.

"Linh is that you as well?"

"Ya. It's nice to finally have a girl to talk to, rather than this brute I call my brother."

"I feel you, I have one."

Tam was about to defend himself when the oldest Vacker spoke for him,

"No, two."


"Yes. But I'm going to take you on a little trip."


He could hear everything, but he couldn't open his eyes no matter how hard he tried. He wanted to warn his sister, to shout at his brother, to do something.


Marella Redek was confused. She could hear voices and they sounded like Sophie's friend's voices but she didn't understand why.


Sophie had just called him and judging by her worried state, she wasn't lying. No elf can lie to an empath, he thought, except the on who knew how to lie to one.

He finished the final touch ups to his hair and plastering on a smirk and mask like Leo Valdez, a character from his favorite book that Sophie told him about, he still felt bad that Leo was pyrokinetic. Just like Marella. 

Team Foster-Keefe ForeverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora