Day one

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I woke up in an abandoned city sleeping on the floor. I looked at my hands and they were covered with blood. I saw my white dress which had patterns of blood too. I wondered what happened and why the zombies didn't eat me. And the biggest question is where's my family. All I remember is that we were running from a pack of zombies and it went black. I'll just walk around the city to look for my family. In the distance, I saw them. "Hey guys wait for me!" I yelled. But I guess they didn't hear me for some reason they walked away. I was a little upset because I was alone and I don't know were to go. I decided to go to a different city and see if I see people. I have walked 25 miles and I'm not tired usually I give up at 1 mile. But I'm at travers ville now and I see a bunch of houses and a whole pack of zombies. I start to scream for help and I go into a house. I'm so scared I'm not even armed and two zombies are chasing me. It must be horrible to be a zombie not able to talk and to have a craving to eat their own kind. I rushed up the stairs and headed to the bedroom.Now I'm exhausted and hungry . I go downstairs and find a can of soup. A can of soup always fills me up for the rest of the day. So I opened it and put it on the table. I went to the kitchen and I tripped on a towel on the floor and turned the oven on, it worked. There was still gas on so I grabbed a pot and a bowl and I ate it after it was cooked. I went back upstairs and I rested on the bed. It was the next morning and I went to the bathroom to wash my face. As I turn the faucet on I looked in the mirror. I realized why my family walked away from me...I am a zombie......

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