Dog Chase

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I  am ALIVE  !!!!!!

So so so sorry that you'll had to wait so long for an update
I was on a trip with the fam and then there was a project I needed to do for school and then was another family trip

It's been rough

Anyhow let us begin (finally)




Here it goes

"Sans YOU GO AFTER Dogamy

I saw Pup run off leaving me with Boss

"WELL ?!"

I shouldn't

"B-Boss j-just w-wondering uh w-why exactly are we-"

He said lifting me off the ground by my collar



I nodded quickly as he then dropped me the floor.
I ran into the woods after them

I still didn't really understand what was going on.
According to Boss Dogamy and Dogaressa were caught stealing food from the Royal Guard and were giving it to their new born.
The problem is that food and medicinal supplies are scarce in the world we live in.
So only monsters with high LV or with enough money can get their hand on that stuff.

So even though Dogamy and Dogaressa are in the Royal Guard their pup isn't

Normally they would have gotten a warning or in worse case scenario a simple punishment.
But that day Boss was extra on edge so instead of any of that he sentenced them for thievery of the highest kind.
For punishment they had to pay 1000g for each food or equipment they "stoled"
Of course Dogamy didn't stand for the decision saying he was completely nuts and fortunately Boss listened to him and made a second option

Instead of paying they would have to give up a life

They had a day to decide with the next day he would show up at their house for their decision

That's where me and Pup come in

Now normally the Snowdin Royal Guard would deal with matters like these but Papyrus knew the guard would of chickened out

They were still family after all

So Boss got me and Pup to help him do the "dirty work"
Whenever a mission got to risky for the guard Boss would get us to do it

After all we were just spare lives to him

Boss even got some new model of collar for Pup
It was expensive as fuck but Boss said it was worth it

And I guess to him it was

Anyway we arrived at the house but they weren't there
We were able to track them down and confront them but they made a run for it

Leaving us to now

I finally caught up to Dogamy
It seems like he's trying to distract us so Dogaressa could get away

Pup took of after them now leaving me with Dogamy
And unfortunately for me I still have my collar on so no attacks for me just dogging

Luckily Boss came to give me a hand
Dogamy is now down with Boss towering over him triumphant.

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