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Warning:Rape(but still won't be any smut or lemons unless you guys really want me to write some :I) and Abuse
👏🏻👏🏻Edge is a lunatic👏🏻👏🏻


Undyne dropped her clipboard that she had previously been writing on and cleared her throat
"U-Uh S-Stretch c-can you meet me o-outside for a s-second"

"Sure Dyne" he responded with Undyne already leaving outside
He turned to the both of us and said
"Everything's fine we're just going to chat don't worry"

He left shortly after

I couldn't help but feel so-so dirty
She probably thinks I'm a slut
She's probably going-

I felt Red scoot closer to me and grab my hand
I flinched but didn't pull my hand away
"i-it's g-going to be all right s-she's probably just in s-shock"

"l-like i w-was"


Warning: not for faint of heart if you think you can't handle it I'll leave a summary of this chapter in the end

I've gotten pregnant 3 times over the years
Hell I'm kinda surprised it hasn't been more due to the fact of all the "pleasure" I do.

Monsters(in my knowledge) have two different ways of reproducing
The first is through a Soul Bond
Which means if two monsters love each other enough a baby monster appears "magically"
Aka it pretty much just pops in existence from their love

The second way is though sex
This time a small soul forms in the carrier monster's soul until birth
The soul then leaves the monster leaving a small heart shaped hole until the carrier's soul heals

(AN: I know there's other ways but these are the ways I've heard of
So don't @ me  ;-;  Pls)

The first time Edge found out I was only 3 months in
Once he saw the soul he immediately forced me to do an abortion which meant Alphys had to add something in my soul with a syringe killing them immediately

Didn't even get a word in the decision.

The second time I hid it for awhile longer
but eventually he found out
He was pissed saying that it was my fault this kept happening and took me to Al's lab again
Unfortunately Alphys said that the soul was too far in the process so the only way to get rid of it was to surgically remove it

'No way he's going to let her do that
Right ?
It'll kill me !'
I then found myself being strapped down on the operation table
I screamed and tried trashing around begging for them to stop
They had to remove my collar for the procedure but only for them to rip out my soul and start cutting out the smaller one

Alphys tried convincing Edge to let her put me to sleep for the surgery because the pain might actually kill me
But Edge insisted on keeping me awake so I could learn my lesson

S-s-StOp P-PL-pleAsE !!"

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