82. Dm

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Hi babe
How are you? I miss you

Hey! I'm good how are you?
I miss you too so freaking much
Also why you up so early in the morning?

I just wanted to see if you are OK and to know how the show went

Oh, It was OK, I miss you way too much tho
But Zayn, Gigi and Bella are keeping me company
The show was amazing, I hope you were there to see it, to see me

Glad to hear you are having fun without me 😂
I hope I was there with you too.
Lilo can't stop making out, I hate them...

No you don't
You absolutely adore them and you know it
Heck the whole world knows it

OK yeah I do but I can't help if they are ADORABLE 😍 I am so happy for them 😍 they are worst that Zigi and that's says a lot!!!

Yeah I am happy for all our friends too but right now I wanna talk about us, not them.

Yeah you are right
How is Kendall?
She was there with you right?

And that's how we talk about us...
Anyway I don't know how she is I haven't talk to her. She made some attempts to come and talk to me but I and the girls pushed her away
The girls are so supportive and I know it's hard for them cause they use to be best friends

Oh come on you know I hate her and she hates me.
Good, good I don't want her anywhere near you
I know but I was talking with G yesterday and she told me that she is better of without her... Abs she is right who wants a bitch as friend.
Anyway I am tired of talking for this bitch.
How are you? How is the party?

I party is fine
Thank god Zayn is here as well so most of the times I am with him while the girls are with the others
Right now I'm outside and Zayn must be snogging Gigi somewhere 😂

Oh my god 🤣😂
Please if you see them take some pictures and send them to meeee

Okay I will, you crazy boy
Do you have practice tomorrow?

I do have yeah, I have to be there at 7 in the morning...

What? And you are still up?
Niall! It is 03:30 in the UK
Get some rest please you will very tired tomorrow

But I want to talk to you.
I can't any other time...

What time are you off practice?

14:30 which means it will be 09:30 in New York

I'll call you then. Now please get some rest!
You have a big day tomorrow
We will talk in the morning

OK! I will call right after I finish practice.
You better be awake!!!

I will be don't worry
Good night Nialler
I love you so much baby boy 😘

Good night Harold, have fun and stay away from Kendall!
I love you so much baby 😘

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