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I wasn't going to try to stand up, not yet. I knew I needed some nourishment. I needed to build my strength back up. I had no intention of staying here. I didn't even know where here was. But it didn't matter, as soon as I got my strength back, I was leaving. 


I woke up, opening one eye and tilting my head to one side to try and get rid of the kink in my neck. I took a few deep breaths and sat up, my eyes immediately going to the stranger on the mat to the right of me. 

He was asleep. But there was no doubt in my mind that he had moved. One arm was bent up, his fist against the side of his head, which was slightly tilted to one side. One knee was slightly bent out to the side, and his other arm was resting across his stomach. He'd pushed his blanket off, and it was in a bunch next to him. 

I didn't blame him. The blanket really wasn't necessary, at least it hadn't been last night. 

I was so relieved that he had moved. 

I got up, trying to be quiet so I didn't wake him, and opened the shutters on one window to let in some light, then I went into the kitchen and did the same. I grabbed a knife, slicing a few pieces of bread into thick slices, and spreading each one with strawberry jam, then I carried the plate into the living room, and sat in my chair, picking up a slice and taking a bite. 

It was so good. Homemade bread with strawberry jam was the best thing ever, so I was glad the lady I got the jam from had made another batch so quickly.

I hated when I had no jam.  

I was almost done with the first slice when I saw him stretch an arm above his head, his eyes opening slowly, then closing again as his mouth opened in a yawn.

He laid there for a minute, then turned his head, looking right at me. I blinked, and watched his gaze move to the bite of bread I still held in my hand. I stuck it in my mouth and grabbed another piece of bread, getting up and taking the few steps till I was beside him. I squatted down, and offered him the bread, raising my brows as he looked at it, then me.

"It's really good."

He exhaled, then swallowed, and I imagined his mouth was probably watering right about now.

He slowly pulled an elbow back as he sat up, stopping to rest on it, then he sat up fully, and I wasn't surprised that he seemed a bit shaky. I waited for several seconds to give him a chance to catch his breath, then I moved my hand forward, so he could take the piece of bread.

His hand came out cautiously, and he took the bread from me, nodding ever so slightly, and looking at it before bringing it to his mouth and taking a bite. He chewed slowly, his eyes closing, but then he opened them, and he looked like he had to force himself to swallow. 

I drew my brows together, not sure what was wrong.

"Are you okay?"

His empty hand came up to cover his mouth, and he held back a gag, his chest heaving as he handed the bread back to me.

I looked at the slice of bread, taking a bite from the opposite corner, but it tasted fine, just like the first slice I had.

He shook his head, his hand still over his mouth, looking at me through narrowed eyes.

He drew in a few deep breaths through his nose, blowing them out slowly against his hand, finally lowering it and looking at me again.

"The bread is fine," he said in a scratchy whisper, "I just feel nauseous."

I nodded. I guess that made sense. He hadn't eaten in a week. His stomach would probably rebel at any sign of food at this point.

But he had to eat. He'd never regain his strength if he didn't.

The Healer In the Woods Where stories live. Discover now