The room where it doesnt happen

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The door slides open and who falls in? Hunk.

Lance's POV:
The room was frozen for me, Keith was shaking. Fuck, I was too. Someone had just found out. What am I supposed to do?

After what felt like hours, Hunk broke the silence 'Hey'

Keith's POV:
This bitch cant be serious... he just walked in our room... omg I said our...
I look down at Lance before getting up, putting on my clothes. And walk through the door, pushing Hunk to the side.

Lance's POV:

3rd person POV:
The room stood still, Lance on the bed, Keith had already rushed out, and Hunk was still in the fucking doorway.
'WELL?!' shouted Lance.

'Look dude, it's your ass not mine, I was just wondering if I could borrow the blue lion since I gotta go back to the water planet to get ingredients for my new dish, its gonna be so good. First I just gotta find the seaweed which makes the...'

'Does he ever think about anything else?' Lance thought?

He groaned into the pillows, ashamed and not knowing what to say.

'So?' Hunk asked.

'I have to say yes dont I?' Lance questioned him with a glare.

'Yeap' Hunk gleamed, 'I wont say anything, like I said, it's your ass not mine'

Lance threw a pillow at him, but Hunk quickly dodged the pillow and laughed, 'Man I thought you'd have better aim considering your sleeping with the other one, you cant just put it in lance, ya gotta think before-'

Suddenly he stops talking.

'What?' Lance asks, Hunk starts to tremble and as Lance turns around to look past him he sees Keith with his dagger at Hunks back. 'Whatch it big guy' He whispers.

Lance's POV: Damn, hes trembling wtf?...*moves* that's my boy. Damn hes so hot...

Keith's POV: I stormed out of that room like it was nothing...damn I should go back...

As he walked back he turns the corner to hear hunk  'considering your sleeping with this one...'

I start to reel my thoughts, 'This one? THIS ONE?!'

I ignore Hunk and start to feel my fists clench, I can feel myself starting to walk forward, reaching for my dagger.

Pressing it up against Hunks back, 'Watch it big guy' I whisper into his ear.

3rd person POV:
Keith let's go of Hunk and struts past him to sit on Lances lap.
'Look Hunk, we'll give you the blue lion if you can promise not to say a word about what you saw today. Got it?'
Keith smiles with a stare so cold Hunk starts sweating, 'Y-Yea Of course, i wasnt thinking of saying anything anyways...' he stammered and walked out of the room.

'Good, so you can see yourself out now thank you' Keith says dryly.

Lance couldn't believe what was unfolding in front of him... he stared in shock.

'Ok' Hunk says as he walkes out the door. 'Freaks...' he mumbles

'WHAT WAS THAT YOU PIECE OF FLESH' Keith shouts as he untangles Lance's arm from holding him back.

Hunk shreiks and and begins to run away just until the second corner.

Keith runs after him leaving lance in the room. Alone. Again.

Hunks scrambles to the second corner, put of breath. He stands for a second, resting his head against the wall fo support. He hears Keith's footsteps down the hall and straightens himself.

'That was amazing Hunk!' Keith gleames, as he walks over to his big fella. 'You scared the crap out of me' Hunk says, 'I thought I was gonna have a heart attack!'

Keith smiles and takes some money out of his pocket, 'good job, but next time I tell you to interrupt us, make it good. What the fuck was 'Hey'?'

Hunk looks at Keith, 'well what was I supposed to say? I'm only supposed to make time with you and Lance less so that he will try harder to be alone with you. I freaked out, come on this was my first time. I promise I'll be more chill the second time' Keith looks at him, ' well ok'

Keith hands him the money and walks away to Lance's room, only to find Allura and Shiro were there talking with Lance.

'Better not go in anymore. That's alright, lance will want to find more time to be alone with me for sure!' Keith thinks, crossing his arms behind his head, and walking back to his room.

'This is fun' he thought

Next page on the way 😘

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