.The Secrets.

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The secrets everyone on the team is hiding...

Everyone has secrets.

Shiro's Surprise:

3rd POV:

Shiro walked through the halls of the castle, 'where the fuck is Engine room 34cvb....' as a castle, it had many engine rooms and Shiro always managed to lose himself in the weaving maze-like halls of the giant ancient structure. 

He began forward again, left, then right, right again, then left... 'is this the place?' he thought out loud. A giant metal door, stood in front of him, his eyes made their way up to the top of the door... a silver plaque, and on it was written '34cbc'.


 he had missed the door somehow.

Giving up he heads back to his room, or at least, he tried to, calling Coran a few times to instruct him, 'its right there Shiro. it should be RIGHT in front of you' Coran had said over the phone, as Shiro looked at a blank wall. 'Coran...' 'OH QUIZNACK. the silly map was upside down'  Shiro let out a heavy sigh as Coran babbled on, he hung up.

 He wasn't to be any help. 

He could feel the day starting to end, his yawns becoming more extreme as he finally found his way back to his room, as he opened it, he stood there, mouth gaping wide open.

Lingerie, that sweet smell, light blue hair, rose petals on the floor making a path from the door to his bed.

'FINALLY.  what took you so long? come to bed, I've been waiting for you the WHOLE day.' the voice said.

Shiro still stood at his doorway, his mouth agape.

'Close your mouth silly, your gonna attract flies'

Shiro grinned, taking off his shirt, walking slowly to the bed, his muscles gleaming in the soft dim light of the room. 

Walking over, caressing her face, down to her collarbone. 'You look beautiful...' he murmured into her ear, she shivered slightly, as Shiro traced his finger down her body, grabbing hold of her thigh and then coming back up to her chest, grabbing hold of a handful of soft, plump, and perfectly round tits, as she placed her hands on his strong chest dancing her fingers down to his V-line as he held her tighter in bed.

'You know it was very dangerous for you to do this..' he murmured, his lips grazing her ear, her throat, her collarbone.

'So why did you do it?...' his fingers beginning to slide across down to her waist, he nipped at her neck and she let out a moan, softly, he pulled her in tighter, his hips hard against hers.

'Because... because I want- wanted t-to..' she said softly, almost in a whisper, 'Ahh but you see.. the problem with wanting...' his whisper trailing down from her jawline to her lips, 'Is that it makes us weak.' He murmured, then kissed her. Hard. His hand draped down to her hip, as his finger clasped on the naked skin just below her hips... his fingers tracing down her skin, he wanted every inch of it. To taste it.

They kissed, her moans letting loose as Shiro kissed harder, moving his fingers lightly against the thin lace of her lingerie... but a knock at the door stopped them both.

Time frozen.

Until the voice on the other side asked 'Hello Shiro, sorry its Coran, I just wanted to ask if you've seen the princess? I went to her room to checkup on her because I hadn't seen her all day and she's not there..'

'No, she's not here sorry', he said, hoping that it would be enough to make him go.

'Oh, ok, please let me know if you do see her'

'I will' he said hoarsely.

As they began to hear his footsteps disappear down the hallways of the quiet castle..

'That was close..' she whispered as he went back down on her again...

'Almost too close..' he whispered. Continuing to seduce his secret lover...

The dim lights of the castle, flickered, on and off, the lonely and dark halls of this Ancient structure hiding many more secrets than what appears to the eye... Quiet footfalls as someone passes Shiros room, then anothers, still unnoticed as they slip past Coran on his search for his princess... 

Many secrets...


Working on the next secrets :))

((:) Reference to Shadow of Bone Grisha Trilogy :D (:))

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