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"You cannot be serious. A costume Christmas party? Who the hell organize a party like this?" he entered into the great hall of the building with his friend. Fancy, rich... and full of people in costumes. He as a Londoner, real British guy never really gets to use NYC. He did not understand this world, but as a photographer, he has more chances here to work and to build a carrier than in Europe. Or at least he thought that. A couple of months passed since he moved there, and now they got invitations for this elite event.
"You are annoying, you know that right?" Gendry frowned and laughed about his friend. "Will Jon Snow ever let himself just enjoy things?" 
"You know I have to work. My family can't help so ... no. I can't just enjoy things, without thinking about how will I pay the rent tomorrow. This is why we here. Only this. To build relationships with good magazines." he was serious.
"And to have some fun" Gendry laughed and patted his shoulder. "No one wanna work with a brooding man. Keep that in mind. Thank God you always wear black. At least we can say, you dressed demon, or the devil himself."
"Really funny." Jon made a face and took a deep breath. There were celebrities and editors everywhere. At least thousands of waiters served them with food specialties.
"I don't even know what the hell are those?" Jon leaned to Gendry's ears and whispered to him.
"Seashell or octopus" he shrugged his shoulder "But I am sure there are mini hamburgers somewhere." he walked on, and Jon followed him.

"Last Christmas, I gave you my heart..." the voice came from the biggest room, and the people around listen to it quietly and with so much admiration. Jon stopped following Gendry and turned to the direction of the voice. "But the very next day you gave it away." the song continued and Jon finally found where it comes from. He raised his eyes to the stage, where a woman was standing in front of a microphone, and she did not just sound like an angel, but she also looked like one. Literally. She was wearing angel wings and a beautiful white dress. She had long silver-blonde hair ... Jon never saw a woman that beautiful in his life. No matter how many models did he work with. "I give it to someone special" she sang and smiled. Even her smile was breathtaking. The music accelerated and she continued. Jon could take his eyes off of her. 
"Beautiful isn't she?" a man stepped closer to him. He turned to him. He was tall, manly, wealthy... that was clear at the first moment.
"She is... and very... ahm talented." Jon tried to answer, and cover his real feelings. "I wonder why I've never heard about her." 
"She is a new little bird around there." the man laughed. "But a huge carrier awaits for her, we'll take care of it. That is her first real night. Alone at the stage." he raised his glass and looked her proudly. "Anyway "the man turned to Jon. "My name is Drogo." he extended his hand to him, and Jon shook it.
"Jon Snow." he smiled. 
"From which magazine? Or owns a tv company? You look very young." Drogo wondered.
"Jut a photographer. Freelancer." Jon sighed. 
"Have I ever seen your pictures somewhere?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I've just done a photoshoot for Vanity Fair. The Stark sisters one. I..."
I've loved that." Drogo answered. "Maybe someday we can work together. " he patted his shoulder. He was strong and powerful. "Now If you excuse me." 
Jon rolled his eyes when he walked away from him. Sure work together someday, and he did not even give him a name card or a phone number. Arrogant asshole. He was following him with his eyes. He hugged every woman around and chatted with them. He was the living proof, if you have money, you can get everything that you ever wanted. Sadly it was not him. He was poor. His parents died, he was an only child. Only could count on himself, and he promised he'll make his dreams come true. He lowered his head and walked around. He knew he should make some new partnerships, but he was not in the mood. Christmas was not his favorite holiday. Not since his parents died... a year earlier. On Christmas day. They were traveling home and ... he bumped into someone, and it brought him back to reality. 
"I am sorr..." he started, but when he raised his head, she was there. Right in front of him. He did not see how beautiful her eyes are, while she was on the stage. Green-blue... emerald eyes. 
"You should not stare at the floor, meanwhile there are that many people around you," she stated.
"Yes, I know... I am sorry." he was embarrassed. "Ahm... you were... while you were singing... that was. Amazing." he continued. 
"Really? I was not sure. My dad insisted to perform at the event. She wants me to be the next shining star" she giggled. 
"I thought it is every little girl's dream. Especially with that talent." Jon frowned. 
"I know it sounds weird, but I never wanted to work in front of the camera. More behind, but ... he kept saying me, I can't just hide this beautiful face there," she explained. 
"And I cannot agree more with him" it was Drogo again. He stepped next to Daenerys and placed his arms around her. She looked confused but she was still smiling. Jon learned to notice people's real emotions... he worked with a lot of people, not just with celebrities, and he can saw the sadness, the confusion... the hidden fears and pain in their eyes. That was what he saw in this woman's eyes at that moment. 
"You'll get used to it darling." Drogo continued "Trust me. Some more performance and you want more and more. I know how it works."
"Yeah. Sure." she nodded, and Drogo raised her head by her chin and kissed her lips. "I have to go now baby, but be a good girl okay?"
"Where..." she asked.
"We've already talked about this. When I work, it is none of your business." he treated her as a silly little girl, but Jon was sure she is much more than that. "I'll call ya." he turned to Jon. "Jack."
"Jon." he tried to not make a face. 
"Yeah, Jon. See ya." he laughed and walked out of the room. Jon wanted to continue the talk with this gorgeous woman, but she just disappeared. 
"Where the hell were you?" Gendry found him at the exit "I was searching for you." 
"I ... " he was confused. He wanted to find that woman. He wanted to know her name. He just couldn't get her out of his head. When he looked outside, he spotted Drogo again. With another woman. His hands were on her butt, and it was clear that is not a work meeting. They got into a limo.
"What an asshole." he shook his head.
"It doesn't matter." he sighed. "I ... I go home okay? I ... you know me. Christmas is... just... not my best period."

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