Last Christmas

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"Thank you" Jon put down the phone. It was at least the tenth hospital who he called. He tried everything to find her. He was sitting at the airport, his flight leaving soon. He had to go home. Gendry already rebooked his ticket to another, but he can't ask another favor from him. When he looked up he saw the news on the TV. Khal Drogo arrested for violence and rape. Every news filled with it. He doesn't understand. He had no idea, why Jorah took her away. He laughed bitterly at himself. How the hell is it possible, he still doesn't know her phone number. He saved her and he lost her. Again. That was nonsense. He stood up and picked his bag. He had to take the flight. He will continue the search when he got home. He has no better option. This time, he does not plan to give up. No. That was not an option. He must find her. She... she was the love of her life. He never believed in those things. Love at first sight. It was hilarious. It sounded hilarious but with Daenerys, he felt that. He fell in love with her, at the moment he saw her on the stage. And ... no matter they only spent some hours together, she was the one for him. The only one. She stole his heart and if he was not able to forget her, in a year... he knew... he will never be able to forget her. She was too special. She was... his other half. 

"Jorah." she opened her eyes. 
"I am here."
"In safe," he answered immediately. "Home. In New York." he smiled at her. He wanted to take her as far as he can from Drogo. He is arrested in Los Angeles, so he wanted to take her to the other side of the states. That was the best decision. And the safest. No one can know where is she. Not even Jon Snow. He promised her mother, he promised he'll take care of her and he will do it until the end of his life. He should have done more. He should have taken her away, save her, but he was a coward to do it. Unlike Jon. He saved her. He was the real hero in their lives. Maybe he really loved her. His mind was racing.
"Where... where is he? Where is Jon?" Dany raised her eyes at him.
"We'll find him. Later, when you'll get better. That is the most important thing right now. We have to keep you hidden, from paparazzi and journalists. That would be a too juicy story. Drogo is already on the tv everywhere. Everyone is looking for you and wants an interview or some pictures. I had to take you away." Jorah explained.
"You always took care of me, like being my dad." she took his hand. "Thank you." 
Jorah smiled and lowered his head.
"I know you loved her. It was obvious. And she loved you." Dany continued. "She just had no idea how to escape from my father." she sighed. "But her heart was yours. I know it."
Jorahs' eyes filled with tears. He squeezed her hand. 
"Just like your heart his," he answered. 
"He is a good man. He would never hurt me." 
"You don't even know him" Jorah shook his head. "You cannot be sure."
"I can't let him go. I tried. I tried for months, for a year, but I never could forget him. I dreamed about him, every night. I prayed to meet with him again, and he showed up. In LA. When I was ready to end it. To end my life." her eyes filled with tears. "Before you came to my room, I went to the balcony. I sang and while I was singing I wondered, if I jump down... it might be over. I might get over the pain what Drogo causes me every day." she was honest. "Then there was a knock. I thought you come back for some reason, but it was him. He saved me. He did not even know, but he saved me from death. He is my guardian angel for some reason." Dany smiled a bit. "I know it sounds silly, but I really think it is fate. Fate brought us together. To save each other." she frowned. Jorah was listening her in silence, and that moment he was sure... he should have told Jon where he brought her. She needed him. He was her reason to live. He was her happiness. 

Days passed, and Jon started to feel hopeless. A day before Christmas Gendry insisted to go to another fancy party. He did not want to go, but Gendry did so many things for him in the past few months. He couldn't say no. He wanted only one thing. Find her. But his hope was diminished day by day. No calls, no messages, no media appearances. He even went to her house, but it was abandoned, empty. No one knows about her. 
"You are more speechless than usual," Gendry told him in the car. 
"Must because of the anniversary. Two years. I still misses them." 
"They would be proud of you," he answered and patted Jon's shoulder. 
"Yes, surely they would." Jon smiled a bit. "Have you ever been in love and then... lose it?"
"How this topic is related to this?" Gendry surprised.
"It is not. I just wanted to know." Jon sighed. 
"We are in love every day, with another woman. Again and again. There are many beauties in the world." Gendry tried to joke with him.
"For me, there are not. Only one." he lowered his head. 
"You've never told me. What happened?" Gendry shrugged his shoulder. 
"We come from two different worlds, and maybe there was never a real chance for us. I thought we have. I was a fool." Jon shook his head.
"What she is a singer or an actress? Or a millionaires daughter?" Gendry laughed but Jon raised his eyes at him. He looked so serious. 
"Guess it doesn't matter now." Jon took a deep breath. "Remember which photoshoot brought me the success I needed?" 
"No. You did many cool shoots." Gendry shook his head. 
"You organized it. I had no idea who is she. I did not care. That time, I just needed that work. It was a year ago." Jon explained. "That was the second time when I met her."
"What? You cannot be serious. You fall in love with the raped girl?" 
"Her name is Daenerys," Jon answered. "She is the only good thing, what happened to me since my parents died, and ... when we're at the Christmas party last year... after that. I spent the night with her."
"Wait, you want to say you fucked the most successful singer of the century? No way" Gendry couldn't believe.
"We spent the night together, and since then I can't forget her. I was the one who helped her to get out of her life. I was the one who helped her to get rid off her lover. Drogo. Then she disappeared again, and ... I have no idea where is she." 

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