Chapter 43- Yu Suyin's Rival (1)

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Chapter 43- Yu Suyin's Rival (1)

Walking with him, she then passed a familiar scent. The scent of anise. As black licorice with a sweet and rich meaning behind it. She only knew one particular person would use such scent. She had suddenly grabbed onto Lang Ye's arm feeling flashbacks return into her head.

"Suyin? What's wrong?" He questioned seeing her face look a little pale. She was breathing shortly with a shaky breath, she pointed slowly at the direction of two couples. The man looked to be in his forties and his lover seemed to be in her late twenties.

"T-That woman... she was the one." Holding onto his arm tighter. Lang Ye didn't want to leave Yu Suyin shivering and thinking about them as he moved in front of her. Hugging her, she felt her face in his chest catching scent of spruce orchid.

Slowly breathing, she was starting to calm down. Hugging his chest, she was breathing trying to calm herself down first and have her thoughts clear.

"Let's go somewhere else for now." Lang Ye held her behind her back as she clung hugging him. Taking her away, he held her close not letting her go. Passing the two, Yu Suyin had bumped into her father's secret lover.

"Who do you think you are!?" She yelled back to Yu Suyin who clung onto Lang Ye.

"I'm sorry if she had bumped into you. She's not feeling well at the moment. Please excuse us." Lang Ye looked to her as nicely as he could. Her father's concubine looked to him with eyes trying to seduce him. Walking around her, they went off to an restaurant. Taking a seat near the window, they sat at the same time he closed the door frame. "Are you alright?"

Yu Suyin nodded slightly feeling the haziness leave. "Thank you, but you've just met one of the wrong woman in this town." She told him holding her forehead which her elbow was supported by the table she leaned on.

"What do you mean?" Looking to her, feeling as though he was being watched or followed by someone. Yu Suyin went over to him sitting on his laps.

Leaning towards his ear, she made it look from the other side like they were kissing. "That woman, she targets any woman's man or any man she catches interest in. You are her next target." Yu Suyin said wrapping her arms around his neck as the door frame opened.

"Oh! Sorry if I may be intruding but I came here to apologize for my actions earlier. My name is Xie Qiao Lian." She introduced herself not even apologizing to Yu Suyin but to Lang Ye instead.

(Xie Qiao Lian- Yu Suyin's step-mother)

"Everything is quite fine. She just needs a little rest is all." Lang Ye decides to go along with Yu Suyin's game. Wrapping his arms around Yu Suyin's back hugging her close.

"Qiao Lian? We cannot bother this couple. They seem rather very lovely this moment. We still need to wait for our table." Hearing Yu Suyin's father's voice, she hadn't heard it in so long. Lang Ye saw a man with black hair, but his eyes were green.

"We can share with these two. They seem rather kind enough." Xie Qiao Lian said to her lover.

"May we?" Xie Qiao Lian's lover questioned not knowing for sure if Lang Ye would allow it.

"I don't know. If my love agrees then I will also." Lang Ye mentioned looking to Yu Suyin if she wanted to. She didn't think they would be playing this game. She had to think about it, she either went with it or not. A moment paused as she sighed lightly.

"Alright. You both can have the other side of the table." She said to them. Yu Suyin tried to get off Lang Ye's lap but he wasn't releasing her then continued the game.

"Where are you going? I didn't say my wife can get off yet." He said poking her nose. Tilting her head down at the same time he poked her nose again. A little surprised he knew how to talk smoothly.

"My name is Han Bai. My wife of course, Xie Qiao Lian. Are you both newly wedded?" Yu Suyin hearing her father tell them she felt a little unsettled for what he did to her mother, but at the same time she couldn't forgive her mother either.

(Han Bai- Yu Suyin's father.)

"Yes, we're newlyweds. My name is Lang Ye and my wife, Yu Suyin." Lang Ye replied. Yu Suyin was glad that she had changed her name. Her maid before had given her the name to hide away from future encounter again, but here they were.

"It's really nice to meet such a young couple. How long have you both been together?" Xie Qiao Lian asked. Smirking to the thought that he wouldn't love his wife since she was just blind and had a more higher chance of getting Lang Ye to chase after her.

"We've been together for quite some time. It's been rather very adventurous." Yu Suyin said. Still on his laps, he held her from moving or getting off. The waiter arrived with food as Yu Suyin tried to grab the chopsticks.

Grabbing ahead of her, Lang Ye grabbed it before her. "I'll feed you." He grabbed the food with the chopsticks as he had it toward her mouth. Yu Suyin sighed opening her mouth taking a bite out of the food. She felt as if he was just trying to help her at the same time showing her off.

Sensing from Xie Qiao Lian, she was giving off a jealousy atmosphere which Yu Suyin and Lang Ye could clearly feel it. "If you keep feeding me then who will feed you." Yu Suyin asked him. He smiled holding a slice of meat as she took a bite but the meat was intentionally hanging down from her mouth by Lang Ye. He went in taking a bite from the meat hanging down letting their noses touch.

"Does that answer your question?" He said after swallowing the meat. The whole time it had Xie Qiao Lian in an anger feeling as she was jealous of such a man who was giving so much affection to his wife instead of eyeing her like other men would. She had gotten attention from Lang Ye's deep blue eyes. She wanted to be the one given the attention once they had finished their meal and visit.

Leaving one another as Xie Qiao Lian looked to them. "I do hope we can meet again some time." She replied but she focused mainly on Lang Ye as he gave off a fake smile. They had finally left making it enough space to breath.

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