Chapter 10

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When it came down to the art class that the two of them had-it was a free period since their art teacher was out. So he sat beside her since the seat was empty and leaned against the table. "So you know the two new students Julia?"

"Mhm...well sorta. They are two kids from the school I used to go to. I had to work with Rogue once on a project but that's about it. The two of them are friends that live together after the adoption home they lived in kicked them out. So no doubt they moved from where they were cause of one or the other becoming of legal age." Julia said with a shrug

"Do you think Juvia knows of them?" Lyon asked curiously

She shrugged. "Dunno, she might have. I mean for a while Rogue was following Gajeel around like a lost puppy-but I highly doubt he want to be like that brute."

"Let's hope he doesn't. So what's your plan for your day off?" Lyon asked curiously

"I'm burning my sketches of my sister and starting anew. I used to look up to her but I can't now. She's given me no reason to look up to her." Julia said shaking her head. "I'm getting new sketch books and drawing things that are more important to me now."

Lyon placed his weight against the table as he looked to her. "I can take you to the art store not far from here before going to work."

Julia's eyes widen as she looked to him, she then shook her head quickly. "N-No...I...I rather just walk there and back. Thanks for the offer anyways. I wouldn't want you to be late cause of me."

Lyon smiled at her. "You know you're the first woman that I've met that has any common sense. How is it that you've become how you have?" He asked curiously

"Well it's cause Juvia...she...she's not the most smartest of women and I don't hold my breath for anything from her. She can't take care of herself-so how could she take care of me? So I stepped up and showed her how she should be treating me. But that never happened...ever. She tries to show that she cares and loves me around others-but I know the truth. She doesn't, she doesn't want to have the guilt that I'm out of her grasps cause she messed up."

"Do you think she'll ever step up?" Lyon asked

Julia scoffed. "Not a chance, she'll attempt-maybe. But stick to it...not a chance. She can't take anything seriously because she cares more about her love life than the life of the only family member she has left."

Lyon nodded his head before the bell rang signalling the class had ended. The two of them went separate ways after that. Lyon went to find Juvia as Julia went to her locker then went to drop off her bag in her next period class. Once she got to the cafeteria she went to sit with Sting and Rogue since they were on their own.

"Hello Sting, rogue. How's the classes been for you?"

They both groaned out before leaning against the table head first. Julia laughed holding her side with a smile. "That bad boys?"

"All of the classes we had we had with your sister-has she always been so damn stupid?" Rogue asked unamused

Julia placed her hands up. "I'm not saying crap about that woman."

They looked looked to Julia confused before Julia explained everything to the two of them before Rogue looked to her sadly. "Wow, Juvia really needs to get her shit together." Sting stated

Rogue nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah, so what are you going to do about the fact that she pretty much made you broke?"

"I moved out-I live Lyon now. He and I work when we're not in school, so I have nothing to worry about." Julia said with a smile

Sting nudged her. "Are you sure about that. Look there."

Julia looked to where Sting was pointing and blinked her eyes a few times as she saw Lyon having his arm wrapped around Juvia's shoulder. Her mind instantly gave her flashes of Gajeel being with Juvia, instead of seeing Lyon sitting beside her sister-it was him.

Her entire body went pale as she began to hyperventilate, rogue could see that seeing what she was had freaked her out. Rogue went in front of her and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Calm down Julia, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths." Rogue said concerned

She did as he instructed her to do and she soon felt calm before opening her blue eyes and looking up to him. "T-Thank you."

"You're welcome. You're our friend now Julia, so I'm going to treat you a lot differently." Rogue stated with a small smile

Sting moved himself closer to her and wrapped his arm around her as he gave her a toothy grin. "We're all pals here, we're going to be lookin' out for you from here on out."

She jumped slightly feeling Sting's arm around her but looked up at the blond male as she nodded her head at his words. "Alright Sting, I'll keep you to that."

Once they were able to get their lunches they sat down only for Julia to keep herself from looking at Lyon and Juvia as she saw from the corner of her eye she could see her elder sister hugging him.

Traitor. She thought as she tried to keep herself from dumping her tray on Lyon's head for getting close to her sister.

"Hey Julia, are you doing anything after school?" Sting asked curiously

"mhm, burning the pictures of my sister I drew."

"You can draw?" Rogue and Sting stated in shock

"Mhm, I take a large art class for two periods." Julia stated before she smiled. "maybe later on I can show you boys my drawings."

"It's fine, Sting was curious because we wanted to hang out around you to get to know you better." Rogue stated

She shrugged. "Sure, I don't mind but I have a few things I wanna do first though."

"We can walk with you." Sting said with a grin

Rogue nodded his head. "You really shouldn't be walking on your own."

She blushed and smiled at the two males. "Okay-thank you boys."

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