Chapter 27

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When they got to the house that Juila and Juvia grew up in Julia was surprised to see her Aunt standing in front of it under an umbrella. "What the hell is she doing here?" Julia asked confused

"Who's that Julia?"

"My aunt, she's the one who kicked me out after I got out of the hospital for what Gajeel did to me." Julia said. "I never told anyone about me coming back so why is she here?"

"Did you want me to go with you or should I stay here?"

"That's up to you, I don't know what'll happen." Julia said as she got out of the truck.

Lyon quickly followed after her, he wanted to show her that he was serious about being with her. When Julia got to his side of the truck he held her hand which made her smile a little before they went up to the house only for her aunt to speak up. "Julia don't you dare get anywhere close to this place! I'm not going to let you back here!"

"Uh-excuse you? Who are you to tell me what to do? I'm an adult who can do whatever I want without your permission. If you don't leave then I'll take the steps to make sure that you never see anyone familiar ever again." Julia said seriously

"Julia wouldn't be in the position she's in now if you hadn't kicked her out of being with you when she had been bullied and placed in the hospital due to it. If anyone is in the wrong here it's you." Lyon said seriously

Julia's aunt glared at the two of them. "I'm NOT moving! This place was once the place that my beloved sister lived in and I'm not going to let it get trashed by the likes of you!"

Julia sighed out and got her phone out before she called the police on her aunt. "Yes hello, my name is Julia Lockser. There is an intruder on my lawn that won't let me and my boyfriend enter my home." Julia stated calmly

After a few more minutes sirens for the police force could be heard and Julia went up the police car with Lyon. Both of them talked to the police officers before the officers went to her aunt only to hear her aunt yell at the officers while pointing to the two of them. The officers motioned for them to come closer so they did only for one of the officers to speak to them.

"This woman says that you stole her keys, I'd like to see the lease of this place to see if that's true."

"I kept the lease inside the house." Julia stated "If I can get inside I'd gladly show you the lease."

The officer nodded his head and told her aunt to move to the side so the lease could be gotten. Her aunt huffed out before doing so as Julia got the lease from the kitchen counter. She then walked back and showed it to the officer so he could read it over to see that it was in fact in Julia's name. The officer gave it back and nodded his head before looking to her aunt arresting her for trespassing. The officers then let Lyon and Julia be in peace as they took off with her aunt.

"Can we get things out of the truck now?" Lyon asked

"Mhm, that we can." Julia said before she kissed his cheek. "Thank you for what you've said earlier."

Lyon smiled at her with a bit of a blush since he didn't expect her to do that to him so soon. The two of them then got their things out of the truck and that night Julia had ordered dinner out for the two of them so they could settle everything while they waited for their dinner. By the time that their dinner came around she had finished with her room and was working on the living room. After she paid for everything she called Lyon down from the steps and set the pizza's down on the table.

Lyon soon came down and they ate dinner together as Lyon asked about the job market where they were now living. Julia gave him his options and he had a lot to think about while he ate dinner with her. Then another question came to mind to him. "So how long of a trail am I going to have before you make it official that I'm with you?"

"You have a year to prove yourself starting today, so far so good but let's see how long it lasts." Julia said before she took care of the empty pizza box.

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