Neji one shot

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I was training awfully hard this time. I wanted to surpass Neji no matter what. He was strong, smart and handsome. Wait what?!?! What are you thinking (y/n)? I better get back to training. I threw some punches to the air, some kunais to the trees. I actually have improved since last week. To bad there was no one there to see me.

"Why are you always training so hard?" He said while walking over to me. It gave me a weird feeling hearing his voice but I just ignored it.
"Neji it's a pleasure to see you bugging me again" I said sarcastically

He made a 'tsk' sound while sitting on the ground. I just ignored him and kept training. My clothes felt heavy because of the sweat and was sticking to my body. Some hairs were sticking to my forehead as well. I think Neji noticed how tired I was so he tried to do something about it.

"You should stop training. Too much of something doesn't make any good"
"No shit Sherlock"
"I'll buy you something to eat"
"Fine, but next time don't interfere with my training. You are a pain"

_______time skip________

We went to a BBQ. He invited me so he was paying the bill and I wasn't gonna waist any time so I ordered the most expensive meat in the menu. Neji has never invited me to a meal so I was prepared for anything weird he tried on me. Unconsciously I gave him a look that said 'don't-fuck-with-me-and-spill-it-out'. I think it came a little bit harder than expected because he frowned.

"Why do you hate me so much?" He asked while playing with his food.
"You are not supposed to play w-"
"Please don't change the subject"
What was that!?!?! He sounded so fragile. Did he just begged me something? The end is coming there's no escape.

"Don't daydream and answer me!"
He looked mad. Like he was trying real hard to tell me something.
"Why do you assume I hate you" I tried to sound as calm as possible but the curiosity was taking over me.
"It's just that you always avoid me and you only talk to me when you want a sparring parter. It feels like the only thing you want to do is kill me"

I was shocked when he said that but it wasn't a lie either. When we fought I always tried to do some damage to him because I wanted him to recognize how strong I am. To bad I gave him a bad impression. Know I only have one shot to fix this mess. Now think and say something fast (y/n).

" see"

______mini time skip_______

And there I was like an idiot telling him the real problem and for my luck something else escape my lips.
"And I don't know how but I'm starting to like you Neji"

When I realize my stupidity I started to blush madly. Stupid brain, stupid heart and stupid me. It's official,the end is near.

"You look cute when you blush"

'Fuck you Neji!' That was the only thing my brain said. I felt something under my chin pulling it up and something crass my lips. At first I just froze at Neji's actions but then melted into the kiss. Neji was a good kisser I cant deny that. The kiss was sweet but a little rough. Our lips were made for each other because they fit perfectly as we moved deepening the kiss. He lick my bottom lip asking for entrance. I denied it and he growl in annoyance. Then he bit my bottom lip a little hard making me gasp. He took this chance to put his tounge inside my mouth and explore it. We then broke the kiss because of the oxygen. He rest his forehead into mine. His breath over my lips and his lavender eyes where starring deep into my black ones.

"I think I'm starting to like you too"

Those words make my heart beat fast and the butterflies came back. I couldn't believe that just a simple phrase could make me feel this way.

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